
What do you think the airline industry will be like in 20 years?

by Guest45458  |  earlier

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What do you think the airline industry will be like in 20 years?




  1. Anybody that thinks they can predict the industry beyond the next year, h**l make that the next quarter, is sniffin' to much model glue.

  2. there will be one airline in the whole world, saudi air.

  3. People that say that there will be no airline industry in 20 years are absolutely clueless, aviation runs the world, if there is no oil in 20 years, they will have thought of another fuel to use...

  4. 1) More efficient, more cost effective and much safer.

    2) Consumer oriented attitude, more comfortable.

    3) More fuel efficient and clean burning engines.

    4) Overall more eco friendly (less noise/pollution).

    5) Faster and longer lasting aircraft.

  5. i dont think anyone in the aviation industry can look too far into the future, as things can change very quickly and drastically, i think india is aligning itself to be a hotspot, just like new york, paris, london etc. I think very soon, everything will start to go through India and we may see it happen first in the aviation industry, still, it doesnt look too good with the rising cost of oil.

  6. In the US, there could only be 3 airlines left (maybe less!)  That could happen in much less then 20 years!

    Airliners will probably not change that much. Except for advancing technology of electronics, engines and materials, don't expect anything too radical in the way of design. We will not be traveling in space, the airplanes won't look like rocket ships and NO FLYING CARS!  Most people cannot operate a car properly, let alone handle 3 dimensional flight.

    Hopefully, airlines in the US will figure out how to provide decent customer service, but don't hold your breath.  Since wages and benefits have gone down, the airlines don't attract the "professionals" they used to.  People used to be in aviation because they enjoyed it, now they just do it for the free travel and outside of being a pilot,mechanic or dispatcher,  they are easy jobs to get, you just need to know where to look.

    And to be fair, the professionals have been repeatedly abused by poor management, loss of wages and benefits and long days of providing customer service to people who just want the lowest priced seat AND to get to where they are going no matter if a hurricane producing record snowfall over a volcanic eruption is in between them and their destination. You can't blame them for not always greeting you with a smile.

    Oh, and airplanes are highly complex machines. They are subjected to extremes in temperature and pressure very few other vehicles have to endure. For up to ten hours a day, sometimes more. When something breaks and the flight cancels because of it, it's a good thing.

    Sorry this turned into a rant. But my point is, the respect must come back into air travel. Passengers should respect airline employees and airline employees, and their airlines, must do the same.  Hopefully THAT's what changes in 20 years.

  7. interesting question, we've made extreme advancments in technology in everything but are still flying in the same technology as 30+ years ago....Who knows...

  8. From what I've read in various magazines,  the future of air service will see a lot more small aircraft designed for point to point service under a whole new generation of highly computerized air traffic control using GPS and fitting more aircraft into same space in the sky.  This new  highly automated system will keep planes separated not by the use of radar but much more accurate satellite navigation.


  9. out of buisness.  cuz oil will be way way way way to exspensive

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