
What do you think the best age for marriage is?

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What do you think the best age for marriage is?




  1. When you feel you are ready.

  2. 22-30

  3. 29-35

  4. 27+, no younger

  5. 29, old enough to know better, but not too old to have fun

  6. When you are ready, have met the man/woman you want to spend the rest of your life with, have been together with them long enough to actually know them (so not after 3 months of dating), and are able to communicate properly.

    Whenever you've reached that stage in your life, then I would say you are probably ready.  

    There's no particular age that is the "best" to get married because everyone is different and matures at different rates.  Get to know yourself first and then you'll be able to know when you are ready and have found the right person.

  7. 25 > good luck

  8. I don't think there is a perfect age to marry. I believe that no matter the age, the two involved needs to realize that this takes a serious committment , and you can make a marriage work if you are willing to work on it...I know this is going to sound silly but I look at a marriage like is a flower garden and as long as you water and weed and give it plenty of sunshine , it will bloom and bloom. Your marriage is the same way, it has to be taken care of, the both of you have to pay attention to the others needs...Both of you need to pay attention to the other..You do what makes him happy and he should do what makes you happy. I know a couple that had been married for 55 years, that the way their marriage survived that every day that they woke up, they put the other one first, in all they said and done...As long as both give and take, you will be just fine. So...there is no perfect age, as long as you are willing to work through all the things that life will throw at you.

  9. When your old enough to take care of yourself without your parents assistance.

  10. hey,it doesn't matter what age you are it is up to do you love him/her or it is the right time for both of you.

    hope this helps Groovey

  11. If I were the marriage-granting authority / deity ......

    Age for marriage is determined by both candidates meeting the following criteria:

    *100% unconditional love for prospective spouse

    *Financial Security determined by Steady Employment or Independent Wealth and prosperous Investments

    *Healthy Egos / Confidence levels

    *Healthy Libidos equally supported by both candidates and only such, unless explicitly expressed in a signed, legally-binding, prenuptial agreement

    *Well past adolescence (at a minimum of 10 years past the end of puberty) for both candidates including meeting all criteria expressed above

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