
What do you think the best and worst things are about being a parent?

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What do you think the best and worst things are about being a parent?




  1. The worst thing, to me, about being a parent is not being able to hop into the car and run to the corner store without buckling up someone else too. Other than that, it's all good.

    The best thing? I think that's knowing I'm building what should be a lifelong bond with someone I care for and knowing that, with a little luck and a lot of hard work, I'll be providing society with well-adjusted, productive, and positive community members.

  2. Best thing? Being proud of my kids...whether it's a new skill that they've learned or an A on a report card. When they do good, I feel good.

    Worst? Losing a little of what makes me ME. I've been a stay-at-home Mom for what seems like a VERY long time. I don't know how to be anything else, and that's kind of depressing.

  3. The worst thing is teething because they start sleeping through the night. So you get used to a full night sleep and then bam... teething starts and they wake up several times a night. UGHH!

    The best is watching the world open up around them. It makes you look at everyday things in a whole new light.  

  4. The worst thing for me was : not being there when they truly needed me.

    The best: When my Marine son asked me to be his best man at his wedding. He had plenty of friends, but he wanted his dad by his side.  

  5. everything is great...except for the no sleep thing :)

  6. worst:  Feeling like you are never doing enough or what you are supposed to be doing - that you could always be doing more for them or doing a better job.

    best:  When he smiles, cuddles, wants to play with me.  IT used to be when he kissed me, but he only kisses his dad lately.

  7. the best: knowing my children  NEED me, and knowing they know it. i don't know what i will do when my kids don't come to me for something important (food, talk, they can't p**p... lol)

    the worst: i can't keep from worrying endlessly about uncontrollable accidents. them getting hurt or kidnapped or killed. that can consume a person if you aren't careful.

  8. Worst-getting ready to go anywhere takes 4 times as long!

    Best-When your kids smile, and when you tuck them in at night and they say "I love you"

  9. For me the worst is knowing I wasn't given the right tools in life to be the best mother I can be,,,,,,The best is knowing I made my own. Children are a blessing to be hugged loved and kissed......alot!!

  10. Best: your life will never be the same, because it's not all about you anymore.

    Worst: see above.

  11. the best thing- watching her smile, hearning the new words shes learning every day. The way she smiles as soon as i walk in the door. The sweet way she kissed my finger today when i burned it. all the little things

    the worse- well one of the things that drive it crazy is the stage shes in now- shes playing with her p**p that's horrible besides that. The fact that her whole life is in my hands- that scares me so much. I guess its not a bad thing just scary. I guess the worse thing is sometimes at the end of the day when you just need a break and sometimes you just cant get one and i feel horrible that i feel that way sometimes

  12. Best thing - watching my kids learning to do something for the first time or to see them get excited about something

    worst thing - having one of my kids getting hurt.  

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