
What do you think the best card counting system for blackjack is and why?

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I want to know the absolute best system no matter how hard it


along with

a good overall sytem with simplicity and use balanced.




  1. "Best" is a matter of opinon, some peopel aim for them to be easy, some peopel wnat to play single deck where playign efficiency is mroe important, some peopel want the largest edge, some peopel want a higher betting correlation for shoe games. some peopel want to be able to track shuffles in addition to counting cards which can be made very difficult with more advanaced card coutnign systems.  I will outline what make a card coutnign system good though.

    card counting systems become more accurate as they better reflect a cards "weight" closer with the point values assigned to the cards, card counting systems also become more effective if side counts are incorperated.

    In terms of card weights if you arnt familier, a five removed from the game has a much larger impact on the game than the removal of a 2 or a 7, so when assigning point values, the five card may be assigned 3 points and the 2 and 7 cards may be only assigned one point.  Sosystems that incorperate higher point values will be more effective but more difficult to use.  

    I once recal readin and article on the "ideal point values" for a card countign system and thy varied by card for all cards and had numbers as high as 42 points per card to best reflect their effect on the removal from the game.  This is overkill and is not neccessary.

    Some systems use side counts fo card in addition to the main count, such as for aces because they are very important cards, this wil drastically increase betting oportunities, but it makes shuffle tracking more difficult.

    Betting correlation is a term that describes how accurately a card counting system detects when you have an advantage over the house, most card counting systems fall between 96 and 99% efficency in this area, and the better systems really dont give you all that much more efficiency.

    Then there is playing efficiency, this is term used to decribe how accurately a card counting system detects, a need to change play from basic strategy, most systems are not very efficient in this manor since to acheive 100% efficiency you woudl need to keep track of every card seperately.  It isnt that important howveer since change in playing decisions represent only a small porion of your total edge over the house.

    Lastly there is insurance correlation which is somewhat important since taking insurance represents about 25% of a card coutners profit margins.

    You can find information on all of these variables for different card coutning systems at

    They all work just fine and they all will let you win each has there own strengths AND weaknesses

    Hi/lo is very simple, powerful, and versitile, which is possibley why it is so popular

    I recomend zen if your realy confident in yourself and maybe want a little extra edge, but dont be surprised if have troubel performing other basic actions at the table.

    The K/O or red seven systems are a little easier because they leave out the true coutn conversion, but they have drawbacks as well.

    Its all up to you, but if you do learn one, make sure you get a book that outlines the COMPLETE system with all of the indexes etc, not just bits and peices you find on the web about it.

  2. Card counting is extremely hard and needs years of practise. Experienced players are using a combined strategy between card counting and a strategy called 'Blackjack Basic Strategy' which is a visual card that tell you depending on what cards you've got, what to do next.

    A well respected website that you can find tons of info is called 'wizard of odds'

    Google it and good luck!



  3. The best system I know of is Ken Uston's Plus/Minus strategy. It assigns a value of +1 to 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, and -1 to tens and aces. Everything else is 0, or neutral.

    At the beginning of a deck or shoe the count is 0. Then the counter constantly adds and subtracts from the count according to the cards played. This running total is called the "running count." A positive count means that a disproportional number of small cards have already been played which means the deck is rich in large cards.

    To determine the "true count" divide the running count by the number of decks left to be played, or in some strategies the number of half decks. This will tell you the relative richness of the deck in good cards.

    The true count is used in two ways, to determine how much to bet and how to play your hand. Unless it is obvious, every situation has a line in which you should play one way if the count is above the line and another if below. For example, a 12 against a 6 may dictate that you stand if the true count is +1 or greater and hit if the true count is less than +1. The counter will also bet more when the deck is rich in good cards.

    The Uston Advanced Plus/Minus is a good strategy and can be found in the book Million Dollar Blackjack.

    How well you know a counting strategy is much more important than which strategy you know.

    Practice, practice, practice!

    There is a method of playing Blackjack that can provide an edge to the player that does not involve counting cards. It is called the Blackjack Betting Trigger, and it can inidcate when the probabilities are favorable to the player, indicating that you should raise your bet, and when they are unfavorable, indicating a bet reduction.

    You can get if for free through a special offer for a limited time, and more Information about the Blackjack Betting Trigger can be found here:

    It is also a great way to disguise the fact that you are coutning cards!

    Good luck at the tables.

  4. The system that creates the greatest player edge is called "Advanced Omega II." It is very difficult though, as almost every card has a different value and you must learn a ton of strategy indexes.  Just do an internet search to find out where you can learn it.

    The easiest system to learn that is effective is called Red 7. It is an unbalanced system so it does not require you to convert the count to "true count" from the "running count." The KO System is actually a ripoff of the Red 7 system, and is actually less effective. The Red 7 system can be found in the book "Blackbelt in Blackjack."

    The Hi/Lo method is the most common system out there. It is a good balance between being fairly simple to learn and effectiveness. It is also the system that casino personnel are most likely to have learned themselves, so keep that in mind.

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