
What do you think the consequence should be for cell phone use (w/o hands free device) while driving?

by  |  earlier

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In stead of a ticket should and offender just be smacked in the mouth?

What about texting, ruler across the knuckles?




  1. i think punishments should simply be doubled if cell phone use is involved (which is easy to find out for the officer, just hit recent calls/last sent message and see how it corresponds to the time of the offense) 60 dollar speeding ticket turns to 120 jsut for having a cell phone out.. that'd stop ppl..

    see though, there are people who can handle a conversation and driving at the same time, my dad's great at it, but he chooses not to talk on the phone anyway

  2. wow.... lame. Pretty soon there will be laws on how we HAVE to use everything we own. Things happen for a reason. Life sucks deal with it.

  3. it wouldn't work people would complain about being hurt enough that they would sue which would make it harder for the cops, and with the whole adding more money to the ticket, it might cause some riot about how the us is free and that we should use are cell phones when and where ever we want blah blah, like he said life ain't fair but deal with it, plus nothing is free in this world. Remember that someone paid for it, maybe through war, taxes, but some one paid for it!!!

  4. A serious lack of concentration,for only a split second could result in a major accident hands free or not.The penalty Automatic disqualification for 1 year.

  5. Bullet in the head

    Its dangerous (but I still do it)

  6. I think the offenders should be made fully aware of the consequences of reckless and careless driving.  I don't think a ticket is aggressive enough.  I'm sure a good whuppin' would sort them out.

  7. NONE.  Distracted driving should be punished.  Using a cell phone should NOT be singled out.  I have seen people that can't listen to the radio while driving.  I have seen others that are perfectly capable of driving while holding a cell phone in there hand.

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