
What do you think the diference is between far left and far right politically?

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How would you define socialism? How would you define communism?


If socialism is on the far left...and facism is on the far right....Whats the concensus, here?

Please excuse my spelling...I'm to stupid to check it in the dictionary..smiley emoticon....isn't facism basically just blaming everything on the government and demanding that they do something instead of taking responsibility for it as individuals? And doesn't communism wind up as the same result? Given that democracy is somewhere in the middle...and based on what the majority says it survey and polling...just like facism and communism...maybe we should have been more careful what we asked for.




  1. Far left socialist liberal democrats are environmental bombers like the uni-bomber, and Earth Liberation Front.

    Far right anarchist conservative republicans are government bombers like the Oklahoma City bombing, and abortion clinic bombers.

  2. Technically fascism was the union of government and corporations, "fascia", from Italian, meaning to bundle.  It was Mussolini's economic invention.  And technically there is no element of totalitarian police state control with it, although both in Germany and Italy, there was.

    The same applies to Communism, although under Communism all the means of production are owned by "the people", meaning the government.  There is nothing inherent in Communism requiring police state totalitarianism, either, but it happened in the USSR, East Germany, and continues in Cuba, China, etc.

    Many countries today have what are by American standards socialized economies, and they have free societies, free of police state totalitarianism.  Switzerland, France, Germany, Sweden--too many to name, really.  

    An economic system stands on its own.  It will succeed or fail on its own.  Bringing in police state totalitarianism guarantees that whatever economic system is being used will fail.  America now has the highest number of prisoners in the world, this encourages the growth of criminal gangs, and the criminal gangs parasitize the economy.  It is a cancer that is very difficult to erradicate from the economy and its a lot easier to prevent it from starting in the first place by avoiding police state totalitarianism, no matter how enticing policies like Three Strikes or the death penalty or determinate sentences are to the electorate.

  3. You are not to far off.  Many consider the political spectrum is linear and that facists and communists are polar.  Think about it like an Omega symbol bending back upon itself in an unfinished circle.

  4. Although communism and fascism are very close on the political spectrum (even though they are named as complete opposites) they are not entirely the same. The key to fascism is intolerance of others and being extremely patriotic (so much so that it is regarded as racism). It is said that everyone lives for the state, religion, country etc., and therefore is tied to mass movements. Communism is where people live for themselves, but everything is owned by the state. But it has a basis of equality so there is no intolerance.

    Hope this helps.

  5. I took that stupid class in college too, but unlike the definitions that are splattered all over 100’s of pages of isms. Communism and Socialism are not that different. They have much in common.

    The government runs both of the economies either by brute force such as communism or by sheer number of idiots of whom work for its government and obey executive orders from the elitist left in charge of the whole scam, who call themselves socialist leaders. They might as well call themselves communists.

    The free market system and the liberties that we enjoy are under assault from the left in our country, and questions like this are relentless in diminishing the true nature of socialism. Socialism and Communism are bad ideas and your right about them in that they are not that far apart.

  6. Far left: Take from the haves and give to the have nots

    Far Right: Take from the haves and keep it for themselves

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