
What do you think the future holds for Elsabeth?

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the girl that was locked in a cellar and raped by her own father




  1. She now has freedom of a sort, but what this has done to her mind is anyone's guess, that could take a long time to heal. With expert care she should get well physically. But the rest who knows. What a terrible case this is, and what an absolute monster, i don't believe in the death penalty but i can't help but wondering whether for this it should be introduced.

  2. Being able to live her own life would be a good start, though its going to take lot of counselling.

  3. Likely an institution for the rest of her life, she's probably rather disabled and not in the best mental health right now.

    I'm sure she'll be much happier and healthier, but I can't foresee a very full life for somebody who's been forced through that; it'd be too difficult to integrate back into society.

  4. Years of rehabilitation......

  5. Living under those circumstances for so long doesn't give her much hope to live a normal life ever again.  Her emotional, social, cognitive and physical development was stunted, and it will be almost impossible to recover from that kind of long-term seclusion and sexual abuse.

  6. Maybe she can be put into some kind of a setting where she will be able to live out her life with her children. Even though those children were conceived under horrendous circumstances, it's clear that she loves them and is very concerned about their welfare. It is probably the children that kept her hanging on all these years until she could be freed instead of giving up and looking for a way to end her life.

  7. wouldn't it be nice if they could take her round the world, have a marvelous time forever

  8. Hopefully with a lot of tender loving care and much counselling, she will be able to live some kind of life. Her memories will eventually diminish and she will regain her owns self's worth...  

    When you have been though the worst, it can only get better...

  9. Unimaginable.

    Personally, I hope to God she gets: 1.compensation from the b*****d, they should sign over everything he owns to her and make him beg in the street (me I will BUY her a gun if she wants to shoot him, preferably in the testicles first); 2. Compensation from everyone who lived in that street who saw nothing, heard nothing, suspected nothing; 3. An apology from her mother who left kids in 1968 with a father she knew was a psycho (which is when Elisabeth's sexual abuse began); 4. Money from an international support fund to start a life for herself and her children, complete with a home, a live-in counsellor (they are going to need psychiatric help for the rest of their lives) and education that they have all missed out on ; and 5. Peace and quiet and time to rebuild if she can some sort of life after the " living death" she has endured.

    Can you tell I am steamed?

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