
What do you think the minimum net worth should be to define a person as RICH; not being in the working class?

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What do you think the minimum net worth should be to define a person as RICH; not being in the working class?




  1. Someone once defined being rich as "your money works for you instead of you working for your money."

  2. Most RICH people work, its how they got rich in the first place, so I'd say they're all in the working class. Terms like "working class"  are, in general, just made up by politicians trying to play class warfare, so they are purposely vague.

  3. It all comes down to expenses.  If you make more then you spend, then you are rich.  If you make money just to pay the bills.. then you're poor.  If you make money, but it doesn't cover your expenses, then you are broke

  4. Rich IS rarely defined by net worth.  When the term is used by US politicians, it refers to INCOME, not net worth.  These is ridiculous.  You can have a $multi-million income and a NEGATIVE net worth.  There are also people who NEVER earn more than $100,000/year and retire with a net worth in the millions.

  5. Probably around 4 million, depending on how good a person's investments are. There are people out there who could blow through a couple of hundred thousand dollars in a month. If one were to live within his or her means, a million would do, though.

  6. half a million and up

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