
What do you think the next 50 years will bring?

by  |  earlier

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For example the colonization of the moon and mars or will society on earth completely collapse forcing everyone to fend for themselves be creative and use your imagination when answering. 10 points to best answer




  1. The Millenial Kingdom should begin around 2016-2017 and should still be going until about 3017.

  2. I think Japan will take over the  world with an army of robots.  I think the US moon base will be self sustaining for materials by then, but there would be no human breeding so I wouldn't call it a colony.  Due to rapant identity theft, I don't think credit cards will be usable anymore, just like personal checks are pretty much useless today.  With more people living in cities with light pollution, there will be a lot of people who don't "believe" in stars just like today there are people who don't believe people went to the moon.

  3. it will be pretty much exactly the same as today.

  4. hmm... because of the mayan calandar it might be the end of the world. Or it could be a horrible natural or manmade disaster.

    If we survive through it i have a feeling that it would be something like the world in " i Robot" it's very possible that we'll colonize the moon and maby be making steps to Mars.

    The entire civilization would probably rip. Meaning that some people believe we should go back to the old ways, some want to stay on earth, some want to conquer all the planets, some wouldn't even say a thing. Like how some people don't vote even though it could change there lives.

    Because of this many wars could break out, and with advanced technology there would be advanced weapons. Weapons that could be disasterous to entire cities.

    Like from " i Robot" we'd definetly have robots, because in my opinion the human race is already becoming very dependant on technology.

    Anyway this is my opinion in a nut-shell! ^_^

  5. Considering the fact that there are still people alive today who remember a time when we thought our Milky Way Galaxy was the entire universe and other galaxies were just unexplained fuzzy patches WITHIN our Galaxy, I would say anything is possible.

    In my opinion it's entirely possible that society might "collapse" as you say but I do not think that "everyone" will lose all knowledge and technology and there will still be funding for research...from somewhere. Private sources maybe, after all kings and queens once paid for explorations. There will always be the "powerful elite" and even though they might think differently, they are just people. And people tend to want good things. Like knowledge and discovery.

    Perhaps we will discover that we are only one of countless universes, that other dimensions exist within our own, or that there is a "beyond" space and time with a nature and qualities we can't begin to dream of. Maybe it will be "Heaven" or "h**l"...or just  another"Jersey".

    I'm hopeful;)

  6. Well lets see here:

    2009- Neither Obama or McCain are inaugrated into presidential office, instead, in a napoleon-esque coup d' etat occures in which the public outcry brings a new ruler into office, me.

    2010-2057- A Utopian Society lasts as reforms, scientific breakthroughs, super-enlightened thinking and general well being bring about this new era. There is no 'energy crisis', no blatant 'terrorism', no 'overpopulation' (because new scientific technology allows the colonization of the the other milky way planets.). In awe of the greatness of my country, all others in the world elect to merge into mine to create a worldwide, planetary kingdom. This prosperity continues for many years until...

    2058- A Dystopia Society ensures after I am assassinated by new age radical terrorists hired by a major corporation h**l bent on making more money in which several of my decrees for the Saving Earth, Humans, and Lunar colonies Law unfortunately prevents them from doing. Ironically, after my death, there is a galaxy wide surge of outrage after the corporation was discovered to have a hand in this plot and the people brought about the destruction of every building, person, ship, and stock that is associated with the company. However, without my guidance and order, they still fall into dissarray and choas. Eventually, the rulers of the other galactic kingdom have a U.N. meeting and decide that the complete destruction of earth and iths several planatery colonies is the only solution. So after first being stipped of our planets' resources, we are all destroyed.

  7. I confidently predict that the world of fifty years from now will be almost unrecognizable to someone from our time. Most, if not all, disease will no longer exist. Hunger and homelessness will not exist. Energy will be cheap, plentiful, and non-polluting. There will be outposts of humanity in orbit, on the moon, and possibly on Mars. The Earth itself will be cleaner and greener than it has ever been. We will have "anything boxes", devices capable of manufacturing any item on the spot, from a glass of icewater to a plate of french fries to a complex electronic device, and of disposing of any item safely and permanently. There will be very little crime, because the incentives for most of it will no longer exist. Money will no longer be used as a medium of exchange, though information might take its place. Cities will have begun to empty, as most people will prefer to live far from each other, since their resource needs will be met by their anything boxes and solar power, and their social needs met by holographic travel. Electronics will be all-pervasive, inhabiting everything from the tiniest microbe to human beings, and inanimate things as well. People will be able to change their bodies at will, and be able to breathe underwater and grow flippers if they wish to, or even grow wings and fly, and change back just as easily. People will have color-changing skin, with moving pictures on it, if they wish. It will be an age of technological miracles and wonders that even I, a dreamer, can't dream of, and everyone will live lives that would be the envy of kings and queens. On the down side, privacy will be very difficult to obtain, as tiny spy-robots will be everywhere.

    None of this is idle speculation on my part, but mere projection from existing trends. Trust me; I've lived in the future my entire life.

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