
What do you think the next major terrorist attack on the US will be?

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What do you think the next major terrorist attack on the US will be?




  1. I honestly do not think that there will be a next terrorist attack.

    Personally, I think the 9/11 attacks were planned by the US government and it was just an excuse for bush to go to war with iraq because he wanted oil. I know there are people that are going to disagree with me but do a little research and you will find a lot of stuff that was being covered up and denied by the government.

    Some of the things are:

    * there were bombs planted on the Twin Towers (architects and physicians said that two planes would not have brought down the towers.) and the smaller building near the, i forgot what it was called but it was similar to "trade centre 7". that building collapsed on its own and it was a controlled explosion because no plane or fragments hit the building, it just collapsed.

    * there were no plane remains when the pentagon was hit. the FBI and CIA are witholding the tapes of security cameras.

    * One of the planes that hit the tower did not look like a boeing 737 commercial airplane.

    * the ID cards and one will of the so called "terrorists" were found in the debris of the towers. Who would bring a will to a plane thats going to blow up. and how come the cards managed not to melt in the explosion.

    these are some of the facts that support my answer, if you want to you can do your own research about these facts. Also listen to Immortal Technique he is an amazing rapper that always addresses the war, 9/11 and the government.

    Once again this is my opinion. I did the research and these are my beliiefs.

  2. a politician warned of homegrown terrrorists that could attack by sniping sucide bombing but i dont think they could detonate a nuke on US soil

  3. as if we really should answer this!

  4. why the terrorist do an attack like that lot of people will die there think  that one of the people are your lovers and family besides there is top security in the airports why they do that?


    by the way I'm an Iraqi so do not say things like that

    be cool man


    Good luck finding out

  5. I don't know what the next attack will be or when,  but I think it will come from within, just like 9/11 and will be worse than 9/11---more wide spread.  Water/food supply?  Who knows?  

    American's seem to slip back into apathy after a few months and don't seem to take lessons from the past, thus leaving ourselves open to being blind-sided.    

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