
What do you think the order of the matches for summerslam 2008 will be?

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I think:

1.Mark Henry vs Matt Hardy -ECW title

2.Beth Phoenix and Santino vs Mickie James and Kofi -Winners take all tag match

3.MVP vs Jeff Hardy

4. Shawn Michaels announcement which turns into an improptu HBK vs Chris Jericho match.

5. Triple H vs The (not so) Great Khali -WWE title

6. John Cena vs Batista

7. CM Punk vs JBL -World title

8. Edge vs Undertaker -h**l in a cell.




  1. i think

    1.MVP vs Jeff Hardy great way of kicking the show off

    2.Beth Phoenix and Santino vs Mickie James and Kofi -Winners take all tag match

    3.Mark Henry vs Matt Hardy -ECW title

    4.John Cena vs. Batista

    5. Shawn Michaels announcement (If he deceided to retire this will be a sad day)

    6. CM Puunk vs JBL

    7. Triple H vs.The  Great Khali

    8.Edge Vs. Undertaker h**l IN A CELL ( A GREAT WAYTO END THE SHOW)

  2. it doesnt matter only if i get to see my man the deadman kill edge

  3. Matt Hardy -your winner and the new ECW champ

    2. Mickie James and Kofi -Winners and still woman's and intercontinentall champ

    3. Jeff Hardy

    4. Shawn Michaels announcement which turns into an improptu HBK  

    5. Triple H - your winner and still WWE champ

    6. Batista

    7. CM Punk - your winner and still World champ

    8. Undertaker -h**l in a cell.

  4. 1. MVP V Jeff Hardy winner- Jeff Hardy(awesome way to start)

    2. Mark Henry v Matt Hardy- ECW title winner- sadly Henry

    3. Mixed tag f(winner takes all) for intercontinental and women'ss title winner- Beth Phoenix

    4.HBK announces to stay, Y2J comes out and gets pissed. Adamle comes out and makes a I quit match winner- HBK

    5. HHH v Kahli-wwe title winner- HHH

    6. CM punk v JBL - World title winner- Punk

    7. Cena v Batista winner- Batista

    8. Edge v Taker(HIAC) winner- Taker

  5. yours makes sense

    least important to important matches

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