
What do you think the people should do to reduce the effects of global warming?

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Don't use someone elses ideas

I want to hear what your main thoughts are, and what you think we should do




  1. I think we should switch to all enviromentally friendly lightbulbs( like they don't sell any other kind in the stores) and they should take CFC's out of everything and we as people should start taking more advantage of public transportation instead of all getting in our own vehicles and burning fuels and we should buy more home grown food instead of relying on grocery stores to provide it for us because our ancestors lived without grocery stores, why do we have to rely on them so badly.We should also push for better and bigger recycling programs available in all cities.

  2. quit listening to al gore!

  3. We cannot do much any more about Global Warming .

    But we can do a lot about not damaging the Environment more,and be more frugal or economic with our Natural resources ,since we get an additional 70 million people every year with an accumulative factor included ,

    And we can do a lot about contaminations,especially of the soil,Air and water.

    water conservation;...




    The best we can do as individuals is be more responsible ,in our own neck of the woods

    Organize well publicized clean up parties ,talk on the radio

    Have citizen meetings

    Get the schools involved to plant trees and listen to environmental awareness talks,

    If you do any cleaning up leave signs behind saying who cleaned,why and ask people not to start dumping rubbish again ,leave a hole or bins ,in case people come with trash ,


    Classify trash take out all the organic waste and make compost with it ,the worst you can do is throw it with the trash

    70% of contamination is due to organic waste that is mixed in with the garbage .

    And it is just as bad in the sewer where it helps to breed rats and in the landfill it poisons the ground

    And it is the easiest to take care of

    o first of all we have to classify trash at least keep the organic to one side ,like in a plastic bin with a lid

    If you got a few meters of ground ,you only need 1 or 2 square meters in a shallow hole ,in the shade ,that you can wet now and again ,where you dump everything that is organic ,from toilet paper,bones vegetable cuttings ,eggshells,,,excrement ,and cover regularly with leaves to keep humid and to hide any smell

    the worms will come and decompose the wastes turning it into beautiful black soil for the garden of flower pots .

    If you are in a apartment ,if you have a balcony get a big plastic bin drill some holes in the side and lid ,

    Add a few buckets of sand now and again to put over the trash ,you should really stir or move the stuff at times to aerate it and ensure that the decomposition is overall ,keep moist

    This rubbish does not get big very fast and the thing works for a long time with out getting full


    these are Al gores sites

    If you want to help the planet ,plant a tree every week ,if everyone on the planet did we we would be able to slowdown the destructive processes

    Reduce carbon emissions,and they are already working on that by alternative forms of energy and regulations on carbon producing materials,aerosol cans,burning rubbish,industrial chimneys,power plants etc.

    Water harvesting projects ,such as millions of small redirect over ground water flows from the rains into the ground to supply subterranean water supplies.

    The protection of existing forests.

    Stop building more highways,urban planning to include vegetation stop building cities encourage people to return to the land to conduct their business from there which now has become possible thanks to the internet.

    Education to motivate people to auto sufficiency by building more home food gardens.

    Education on environmental awareness

    education on family planning to curb over´population

    Agricultural education and improvements to follow the principals or sustainability and soil management.

    More environmental or land ,design to prevent bush fires,such as--fire breaks

    More dams.regulations and control for public behavior

    Alternative efficient public transport to discourage the use of the internal combustion engine

    101 Ways To Live More Ecologically,may be you find something that applies to you

    1. Avoid disposable in favor of reusable


    2. Avoid drying rags in a clothes dryer.

    3. Avoid power appliances when hand power works.

    4. Avoid highly processed foods.

    5. Avoid using styro foam—it can't be recycled.

    6. Avoid watering driveways and sidewalks.

    7. Be responsible and creative with leftover foods.

    8. Buy in bulk goods to reduce wasted packaging.

    9. Buy energy efficient electric appliances.

    10. Buy foods without additives.

    11. Buy foods without preservatives.

    12. Buy food and goods from sources you trust

    13. Buy large quantities to reduce shopping trips.

    14. Buy living Christmas trees.

    15. Buy locally grown food and produce.

    16. Buy organic, pesticide-free foods.

    17. Compost your food scraps.

    18. Discover and protect watersheds in your area,

    19. Don't burn trash or other smoky materials.

    20. Drain cooking grease onto paper bags, not paper towels.

    21. Drive a fuel-efficient car.

    22. Drive less: walk, bicycle, carpooland use public transportation.

    23. Eat foods low on the food chain; avoid meat.

    24. Eat more natural, nutritious foods.

    25. Educate elected representatives on ecology.

    26. Exercise regularly.

    27. Explore and learn about your bio region.

    28. Grow your own food, even a small amount.

    29. Hang dry some or all of your clothes.

    30. Heat your home less and wear warmer clothes.

    31. Heat your home more with renewable energies.

    32. Hold a potluck dinner to discuss local ecology.

    33. If you use a dishwasher, turn off the drying cycle.

    34. Install a water-conserving device in your toilets.

    35. Install a water-conserving shower head.

    36. Insulate your home to maximum efficiency.

    37. Invest for social responsibility as well as profit.

    38. Invest in solar power, where practical.

    39. Invest in well-made, long-lived clothing.

    40. Keep hazardous chemicals in safe containers.

    41. Keep appliance motors well adjusted for efficiency.

    42. Mend and repair rather than discard and replace.

    43. Oppose meddling in ecological balance.

    44. Oppose private development of special areas.

    45. Oppose roadside use of defoliants.

    46. Organize or join a neighborhood toy exchange.

    47. Pick up litter along streets and highways.

    48. Plant native trees and shrubs around your home.

    49. Plant trees throughout your community.

    50. Plant your living Christmas tree.

    51. Practice preventive health care.

    52. Practice responsible family planning.

    53. Prepare only as much food as will be eaten.

    54. Protect your favorite distinctive natural areas.

    55. Purchase goods in reusable/recyclable containers.

    56. Put a catalytic converter on your wood stove.

    57. Put toxic substances out of reach of children.

    58. Recycle aluminum.

    59. Recycle glass.

    60. Recycle newspaper.

    61. Recycle old clothes.

    62. Recycle plastic.

    63. Recycle used motor oil.

    64. Recycle your unneeded items.

    65. Re-use paper bags.

    66. Re-use plastic bags for storage and waste.

    67. Save up for full loads in clothes washers.

    68. Save up for full loads in dishwasher.

    69. Shop by phone, then go pick up your purchases.

    70. Speak out about your values in community groups.

    71. Support efficient energy sources in your bioregion.

    72. Support elected representatives on ecological issues.

    73. Support energy conservation in your bioregion.

    74. Support global ecological improvement efforts.

    75. Support local credit unions.

    76. Support local merchants before large chains.

    77. Support neighborhood food cooperatives.

    78. Support proper waste water and sewage treatment.

    79. Support the cultural diversity in your bio region.

    80. Support the plants and animals in your community.

    81. Take shorter showers.

    82. Teach your children ecological wisdom.

    83. Turn down the thermostat on your water heater.

    84. Turn off the lights when not needed.

    85. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth.

    86. Use biodegradable soaps and detergents.

    87. Use cloth diapers.

    88. Use cloth table napkins.

    89. Use less tap water whenever possible.

    90. Use non-toxic pest control.

    91. Use only medications you trust/understand.

    92. Use rags or towels instead of paper.

    93. Use rechargeable batteries.

    94. Use the second side of paper for scratch paper.

    95. Use water from cooking vegetables to make soup.

    96. Volunteer for work in a community garden.

    97. Volunteer to maintain local parks and wilderness.

    98. Wash clothes in cold water.

    99. Wash dishes in still, not running water.

    100. Weather-seal your home.

    101. Work to unlearn poor ecological habits;...

    what i think about global warming

  4. Carbon Sequestration ; Plant trees and stop destroying them!

    We can all do something to stop global warming but this is one way and if everyone put in an effort and planted trees all over the planet i would hope that enough CO2 would be confined to end global warming.

  5. do nothing, its a hoax

  6. They should stop spreading the myth

  7. Strange as it sounds, I think people - esp those against globalization - should think daily of new ways to use international trade as the key to Green. As a recent New Yorker article found:

    "Many factors influence the carbon footprint of a product: water use, cultivation and harvesting methods, quantity and type of fertilizer, even the type of fuel used to make the package. Sea-freight emissions are less than a 60th of those associated with airplanes, and you don't have to build highways to berth a ship. Last year, a study of the carbon cost of the global wine trade found that is actually more "green" for New Yorkers to drink wine from Bordeaux, which is shipped by sea, than wine from California, sent by truck. That is largely because shipping wine is mostly shipping glass. The study found that "the efficiencies of shipping drive a 'green line' all the way to Columbus, Ohio, the point where a wine from Bordeaux and Napa has the same carbon intensity."

    The environmental burden imposed by importing apples from New Zealand to Northern Europe or New York can be lower than if the apples were raised fifty miles away. "In New Zealand, they have more sunshine than in the UlK, which helps productivity," (Adrian) Williams (agriculture researcher at the Natural Resources Department of Cranfield University, in England) explained. That means the yield of New Zealand apples far exceeds the yield of those grown in northern climates, so the energy required for farmers to grow the crop is correspondingly lower. It also helps that the electricity in New Zealand is mostly generated by renewable sources, none of which emit large amounts of CO2. Researchers at Loncoln University in Christchurch, found that lamb raised in New Zealand and shipped 11,000 miles by boat to England produced 688 kg of carbon-dioxide emissions per ton, about a fourth of the amount produced by British lamb. In part, that is because pastures in New Zealand need far less fertilizer than most grazing land in Britain (or in many parts of the U.S.). Similarly, importing beans from Uganda or Kenya - where the farms are small, tractor use is limited, and the fertilizer is almost always manure - tends to be more efficient than growing beans in Europe, with its reliance on energy-dependent irrigation systems. ... " See for more.

    It means the popular slogan, Buy Local, though well-meaning is often misguided.

    The article provides a useful tool for everyone to measure the carbon footprint of every purchase and travel plan, and we should use it!

    Bill Clinton was actually well acquainted with all of the above when he fast-tracked the World Trade Organization (WTO). His people produced some of the best policy papers explaining how this all works. Liberal trade helps the whole world take advantage of the greenest, most cost-effective methods of production. Once more of us see this, we can work smart - not hard.  

    Of course, it means honoring trade agreements even when it appears NOT to be in our nation's IMMEDIATE interest to do so.  An example: One of the saddest things about the U.S. failure to honor a GATS commitment to  maintain an open market to remote gambling services, is the devastating effect on:

    1. Antigua's economy, which until Internet gambling, relied almost exclusively on tourism, an industry esp vulnerable to weather. Hurricanes regularly take out the Caribbean.

    2. Global warming. Tourism requires air travel, which is the biggest transportation polluter of all - massively so, as the New Yorker article points out.

    3. Frfagile eco-systems like Antigua, Jamaica and Costa Rica, which will now probably approve even more developments of carbon-rich super luxury resorts with casinos. More about this And of course just about all of these developments are foreign-owned, which means no gains in the local economy, which nonetheless bears the cost of environmental clean-up.

    Ultimately, the green equation here is pretty simple: Which is better for the planet - brick-and-mortar casinos people fly and drive to or Internet gambling on an energy save PC?

    Service jobs were giving Antigua a clean, green leg-up toward financial independence. And it's not like they have a whole lot of resources on which to draw. Nevertheless, the U.S. literally pulled the plug on them. The fallout has been heavy, as you might expect - even on Americans, who have had to pay compensation to EIGHT countries after the U.S. decided to pull remote gaming services from GATS rather than allow Antigua market access.

    That's just one example of stinkin' thinkin' about trade. Happily, though, it's recoverable. Consumers can vote with our feet and our wallets!

  8. watch tv

  9. turn on all the ac units in the country, ( fans too ) and open the windows, that might help reverse the process ) i hope )  build giant ac units to chill the air worldwide, and also the gov's of the world had better start building many ro plants to convert seawater to fresh water, and fill up the lakes and resivors ( probably spelled that wrong )

  10. There are so many things that individuals can do to help slow the effects of global warming.  You can use energy effecient light bulbs, use timers on lights to make sure that they are only on when they are needed, insulate your house with high R rated insulates, only purchase energy star appliances and electronic devices, turn the water off while brushing your teeth, purchase items that are made from recycled materials, make sure that your toilets are not running continuously, place bricks in the tank of your toilet so it will not use as much water, keep a recycle bin close to your mailbox to recycle all third class mail (e.g. coupons that you don't use), go to paperless billing and pay bills online, do not use aerosol sprays, use a digital thermostat that has seven day programming with different settings per day, there are many more if you would like to know more let me know, I will be glad to give them to you.

  11. ride bikes,

    open windows,

    only use lights at night (use daylight)

    limit tv, computer, ect.. time


    use earth friendly chemicals

    ...uh thats all i got

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