
What do you think the results of the rugby game tonight england vs south africa?

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  1. Well for a start the Boks are much better than the English,and I doudt very mush the English will retain the cup.

  2. England were very lucky.

    RSA very smart. They rotated their players so as not to risk injuries for the knock out rounds. And they only showed one or two set plays - so not giving too much away.

    Easy win. The Africans did everything right, a couple of errors which cost tries but  as soon as England showed their hand there was never a risk of RSA losing.

    England  - has nothing - no skills, and no leadership. Their ridiculous game plan didn't work in the first half so why didn't they go into the second 40 with something else ?

    Is there any English game plan other than kicking the ball to the opposition and hoping Robinson can weave some magic out of nothing ?

    RSA invented rush defence - Why would you not go into a test against RSA with a plan to beat their rush D ? England didn't try to do anything against RSA's main defencive pattern.

    RSA ran many of the same defencive set plays they have been running against NZ and Aus for the last four years !

    Are Ashton and Andrew on crack or what ?

    The most embarrassing thing was the fitness of the English players - shocking.

    The Samoans have been talking about targeting England as a door way to the second round for months. After tonight's performance the Tongans must be feeling pretty lucky too.

  3. I've got more chance of going to the moon than England keeping the World Cup.  The Boks were superb to watch and took England apart at the seams.

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