
What do you think the world needs now?

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What do you think the world needs now?




  1. You know when your PC gets all clogged up and you have to go out and clean it up....?That

  2. ...a bias and religion free survive and love...

  3. Food and love !i

  4. An alien invasion!

  5. a bomb big enough to blow it apart and end this c**p

  6. Me, lots and lots of me.

  7. Love, understanding, compassion, people who can live without prejudice and honesty so that instead of covering up our mistakes we can find a way to heal them.

  8. A major frigging chill~pill.

  9. Agape love

  10. people to realize their actions and how they effect other people, and the people who partake in bad actions to realize they ae not right. then those people need to self-reflect and change how they act.

  11. A 50% reduction in population.

  12. A vodka and tonic.

  13. For people to be nicer to each other.

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