
What do you think the world will be like in 25 years?

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What do you think the world will be like in 25 years?




  1. I think it will be a much worse society than it is today.  Like someone else here said, I would not be surprised if pedophilia became acceptable, they already have a foot in the door with the celebrities that were caught with child p**n and the sick, depraved people that support them.  I don't think there will be people living and working on the moon or other planets or anything like that (back in the 70s, 80s, people kept thinking it would happen in the 2000's, not here yet) they thought it would be happening today).  I do think that there will be more lawlessness and people like the ACLU keep fighting for more and more rights for criminals, making it the law-abiding that have to watch every step they take.

  2. I think it'll just be a variation of today. Kids will get wilder, prices will go up, there will be war, politicians will swindle, and people will look back and say how good we had it in the old days. I don't think we'll be in flying cars, although the price of space travel will come down dramatically. I have this horrible feeling that pedophilia will be acceptable, as so many other things have changed from being completely unacceptable to the norm in the 25 years leading up to now. We'll all be incredible fat, and people will find out that global warming was a load of tripe. All our presidents will be some form of minority, and they will f*ck up just as badly as their predecessors. Nobody will have babies any more because they don't want the trouble, and the few that do will have STD's because their parents slept with 40 people each. Drugs will be mandatory to keep people sedate, or else they'd all commit suicide from seeing reality. There will be loads of new gadgets and no one will remember what a book was. Everyone will have had a chance on a reality TV show.

    On a lighter note, we might go really retro and start dressing like the Victorians, McDonald's will take to the skies and open its first intergalactic store, and we'll all have genetically engineered pets.

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