
What do you think the world will be like in the year 3000?

by  |  earlier

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the future i think it will be shiny lol!




  1. Advances in all sciences.....hopefully population control would have worked

  2. freakishly industrialized and stupid at the same time. we'll all PAY for a gym membership and get to it by making monthly payments for a car instead of just walk there for free and get same exercise! Wait... do we already do that? hmm

  3. there wont be a world in the year 3000, and if there is, there wont be any life.

  4. it will be without me.

  5. 902 years older.

  6. I once read in a newspaper where they showed what Florida would be like in the year 3000;

    There would be one city for the entire state.

    This city would cover the entire middle of Florida.

    A 25 ft. high wall would surround this city.

    Doors big enough for transportation would go out into roads that would go all the way to the ocean.

    People would drive, or take public transportation to the beach.

    At the beach, there would be portable buildings for food, etc.

    The government removed all buildings outside of the wall. There would be only woods all the way to the ocean. The wall would be 60 miles inland from the ocean edge.

    Due to hurricanes.

    My guess;

    Robots will outnumber people. And they will look, think, talk like us.

    Genetics will produce healthy people that have no more diseases and live for 150 years.

  7. what i do is think about what the world was like 1000 years ago, and then think about all the advancements we made since then, then try to imagine all the new things that will be invented.

  8. It can be:

    A dark-filled place with corrupt leadership

    A Utopia with technology

    Nothing, Somehow the world is gone

    One Continent due to weird Natural Disasters.

    Anything else?

  9. All humans might live somewhere else and earth will just be a museum called "the cradle of humanity" by then.  After all our beginnings are so precious that it should all be in a museum someday.

  10. i think if we keep goin the way we are then the world could be quite like the cruise ship in the film WALL.e, or things go really bad and we destroy ourselves with our own inventions and the stone age makes a come-back

  11. "It will be NUCKIN' FUTS!," quote - end quote!

    Al Eistein would c**p his pants.  

  12. if i want to be optimistic, it'll be like the scene in star wars with all the flying cars, high tech stuff and everything.

    if i want to be pessimistic, if men wouldn't stop these wars, it'll be a scene from wall-e, it's just robots. no humans.

    if i still want to be more pessimistic, there's just cold, hard earth and no vegetation. just like the picture of mars (minus the alleged aliens).

    if i still want to be even more pessimistic, there's no earth at all. and a new order in the universe begins.

    it's down to whether men destroys his breed or God goes on with His plan.

  13. if you read history, you find that we are still dealing with the same problems now, that were present 1000years ago....

    technology will advance, but people will stay the same.....

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