
What do you think the world would be like after Obama becomes president?

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I really think there will be a change in mentalities all around the globe. People will perceive America in a different way, not as a war hungry nation.

There will be less tension and everyone will tend to focus more on economic development/ growth of the World rather than who's gonna fight who. The tension will still exist but will fade out as time passes.

The World economy is really doing bad now, so instead that we think of wars, we'll be thinking together of putting things on the right track.

All those who don't want Obama as president, then they surely don't want the above to happen I guess!




  1. I agree with you. We can't be so uptight with the rest of the world.

    The future of the rest of the world depends on our future, and I know that the world will not be a good one if McCain wins this elections.

    If Obama wins, there will be hope. The American dignity have been abused by war mongers and lobbyists who will retire in the Caribbean while the US gets destroyed!! come on people be flexible and give Obama a chance....

  2. it will be snowing in the bahamas because it ain't never gonna happen.


  4. My guess is pretty much like yours. I'm guessing that after Obama takes office that after awhile things will be much like they were when we had Bill Clinton as president.

  5. they will love us again, just like when Clinton was here.... it is really bad when the US are bigger jerks than France, but GW was able to do it.

  6. It won't change anyone's mind in the world, with the exception of those who want to take advantage of Senator Obama's weak defense statements.  They'll become more bellicose and aggressive.

    You can't have peace with someone who doesn't want peace with you.

    I sincerely appreciate your idealism.  However, there are too many people in the world who want to take advantage of it for their gain and your loss.

  7. Everyone sing along...the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round.

  8. If you have ever been to the UN  in NYC it will be just like that ..Politicians sitting around making side deals, not helping anyone except the other elitist like themselves, breaking rules because they know they have immunity. Yeah, just like the UN the dirtiest place in all of New York literally.

  9. The end of world.

  10. I thinkkkk Obama will make our country what we want it to be like ..

  11. I think you're right.  There would probably be more trees.  Well maybe not but there will be fewer Bushes.

  12. People around the world will rethink their views of the US if we elect Obama.  But even if he is elected, there will have to be visible changes in our foreign policy in order for these new views of the US to stick.

  13. g*y

  14. the world will end

  15. That's the Democrat's biggest concern, how the world sees us.  I'm so disgusted with liberal Americans.

  16. The world will be better, for sure.

    But this isn't going to be like flicking a light switch - it's taken years to get into the mess that America's in and it's going to take years to get out.

    But 93% of the world's population wants Obama when polled - it's not even a contest.

  17.   I Think That We Would Regain The RESPECT of the World again.

    These last 8 years we have been the laughing stock of the world.

    We need someone that is practicle and has intelligence. Obama is a caring person that listens too everyone and treats everyone with respect.

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