
What do you think the world would be like if....

by  |  earlier

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well i had a idea... be nice im only 13 and not that smart

well so if some buisness owners didn't have to pay as much taxes so they could hire more people... but they would get this tax cut from the government stopping welfare. all the people on welfare could get jobs becasue the owners would have more money from not paying as much tax so they could hire the welfare people and over time they could learn better buisness skills and the world would be better off?




  1. Businesses do not base their number of employees on taxes. btw, I have worked for a man who got a tax break for employing people in the system, he only hired what he needed regardless. (same amount of people after the program lost funding)

    I have an idea, why don't we put a 6 month limit on welfare?? If someone cannot find work in that time tooo bad. People who do not wish to work and can get by on welfare will do it. There are SOOO many programs and training facilities out there to help people and they have empty seats everyday. If we did not coddle them, they Would work.

  2. Well this would be brilliant but honestly, some people are just out to get money so they wouldn't hire other employees to begin with. And then some of those people on welfare LIKE being on it and wouldn't want to work for a living.

    Stupidity rules the world apparently. And there IS a limit on how long people can stay on welfare but it's much too high and people just get right back on it after the grace period is over. It's a vicious cycle and, like I said, stupidity rules the world.

    -Later Gator-

  3. Call the Obama and McCain headquarters.  Wouldn't it be fun if they would hire you as a Youth Assistant.  The pay is great. /

  4. I wish you could run for President !  Good Thinking!

  5. Some people are just lazy a******s who don't want to get jobs.  We should simply eliminate the welfare system entirely.

    Atleast you're thinking though. That's more than I can say for most people alive today. Good work on that.  There's a million other variables that come in to play in economics. It gets very complex.  

  6. Indeed.The biggest problem with this is that a lot of people don't want to get off of welfare unfortunately.Some people just don't want to pay their way.But ya, it would be nice.

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