
What do you think these are......

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When its dark on a night i see these white triangular bright things floating round in the sky then they dissapear, they have been in the local newspaper because a women videoed them and she said they were UFOs! Tell me what do you THINK they are?

Sensible answers please, It's really interesting!

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  1. New World Order vehicles.

    Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam" ; "TR-3B"

  2. I really doubt they are UFO's. Sometimes people see these things and convince themselves that they are seeing ufos. Ive seen stuff like this before but it has turned out to be the air force or the government testing new aircraft and sometimes they are weather balloons reflecting sunlight high in the atmosphere.

    Its hard to say for sure, but probably not UFOs. u never know though, the truth is out there

  3. Yes, they are UFOs - unidentified flying objects. They could be anything from aircraft to birds to balloons! Once we know, they will be IFOs!

  4. It can be UFO. Difficult to reply without time or place.

  5. If you don`t know what they are then they are UFO`s.

  6. Many UFO reports have been caused by pranksters who launch hot air balloons, or "fire lanterns.". These are typically made out of some very light material, held open by thin strips of plastic or balsa, and have three to or several candles mounted in the bottom.  From a distance, they look eerie. Here's an article and video about one case.

    I'm trying to find another video for you. This article and photo show one which would look like a triangle. Some materials used are translucent.

    In the last couple of years I have seen videos taken by breathlessly hysterical observers and that have even ended up on the news.  It was clear to me that these were hot air balloons. There were about a dozen of them in each video and they drifted lazily along for a couple of minutes and then flickered out.  This burning out is what I think some people descriibe as racing away. They think the object is suddenly moving away from them and that is why it can no longer be seen.

    Once in awhile, you will get someone who describes other stuff like metallic appearance, or seeing one shoot across the sky, but these never seem to be videotaped.  One of the incidents I mentioned above featured a cop, (supposedly), who said they sped across the sky at the end. Yet, of three different videos taken by observers, this is not seen at all.  One of the videos lasted until they disappeared. No speeding across the sky.

    These things are responsible for many UFO sightings. Some juris dictions have specifically outlawed them. (They're a fire hazard.)

    Okay, here ya go.  This one has gobs of stuff, including videos, on these things.

  7. Dairylea?

    Not much good without pictures, I'm afraid.

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