
What do you think this behaviour indicates?

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What would you consider to be the issue with an individual who talks continuously about about their ugliness? Do you think that they are looking for people to contradict their assertions about their ugliness? Or are they concerned that others will call them on their ugliness....and they simply want to state it up front - before anyone else can?

Its a curious situation, and wondering if anyone has ever met someone like this...and what they think is the origin of this particular disorder...




  1. I would say for a lot of people it's a pre-emptive strike. "I'll let everybody know that I KNOW I'm hideous before someone else points it out." For others, it's a fishing-for-compliments thing. Either way, it's really annoying.

  2. It may be a form of obsessive compulsive disorder; or perhaps, a ruse for sympathy. Either way, these needy people are self-absorbed, and users; contrary, to empathic and people that give without conditions - because it is good for all.

  3. It is a scream for attention, reassurance and a reason for existence at times... You are dealing with a severely depressed individual and the best help you can offer them is advice to see a mental health professional. I have met quite a few of them in my life: unfortunately not everyone is born with self knowledge and resistance to media's picture of a  physical perfection among other dangerous things. Some people need constant reassurance of their attractiveness, worthiness to the world or at least one person... Their motto is: you are nothing unless someone loves / appreciates you. This is one of the most self destructive attitudes, because if left untreated, it might end in suicide...

  4. They simply want to state it up front - before anyone else can.

    I get it more with poor.  I don't have any money...

  5. People can have low self-esteem and think poorly of their looks, but, by and large, they keep those feelings to themselves.  When a person broadcasts repeatedly a self-deprecating observation are also seeking an emotional "fix" of kindly attention which reminds them of a ego-significant memory of someone who paid kindly attention to them upon making a self-deprecating remark.  When children make negative comments about themselves, it's important not to pour too much immediate attention on them and reward them for that behavior.  When adults seek this emotional fix, again, avoid overdosing with kindly denials and such, but be aware that something's hurting inside that person that can easily be patched up with positive attention paid to them more so for positive comments and optimistic / realistic self- assessments.  But, most fundamentally, keep in mind that they are hungry for attention.  Special attention, a little extra kindness or sweetness here and there and a dose of genuine appreciation for that person as a whole person.

  6. No self-esteem. At all. Ever.

  7. Ugliness is unfortunate, but nothing is uglier than wasting away your life over something you can't change.

    Personalities are like stars, sometimes they wink and fade, others are only visible at certain times, or from a particular hemisphere, but you will always find a way to shine to some people.

    Confidence, kindness, empathy, dancing like you are lost in the music, and passion of every colour are a lifeblood shared between souls who inspire one another to that music.

    I love a pretty face, at a distance, or kissing me, and i love a pretty face with an inner beauty.  In time, our inner beauty shapes our outer form as our bodies age and grow to more closely reflect the soul they give housing too.

    Trip of beauty, trip on life, and in that lightness, love easily and share.

    Really, a big nose needn't be a life stopper :p

  8. I knew a fat girl who would always bring it up before anyone esle had a chance to.

    The origin of the disorder was that she didn't accept herself because she believed in the Playboy ideal of beauty. She would neither do the work to fit it or forget it and accept herself. So she took the shot at herself first.

    Focus on the positive I say.

  9. To self absorbed. Needs to get other interests.

  10. It could be either of the two

    And I meet these types of people everyday

  11. yeah it's both- just like you said, they want someone to reassure them that it's not true at the same time they want to make sure you know they know- plenty of people do this

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