
What do you think this could possibly be i have searched the web but i just dont have a clue.?

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If there is some kind of supernatural phenomenom going on in my fathers home can it leave and come to my home if it's some kind of ghost or sprit? were trying to find out if anyone passed away in the home but were not sure how to go about looking it up.. all i know is the things that are going on in that house are not normall. lastnight me and my boyfriend satyed at my fathers house just to see if anything else would happen i turned my phone off around 10pm we went to bed around 3am we went into the room i pluged my charger in and put my phone on the charger. we maid the bed and he went out of the room came back and we were talkiong for a few then he got into bed and i turned off the light and i got into bed as well the moment i laid down i heard a noise i asked him was that? my phone had turned on and it had been pluged in for at least 10 mins already so it was not that. i thought it was so i took it off the charger turned it back off then put it back on it didnt turn back on.




  1. imagination

  2. There are no ghosts or anything like that.  There are plenty of reasons why things happen that seem strange.  Why do people love to jump to the paranormal explanation so quickly?

    If there is an afterlife or a spirit world, then literally hundreds of millions of people have died and made the transition.  If it was possible to mover back and forth or linger in between we would have plenty of evidence that proves that to be true.  But we have not.

    One thing is abundantly clear.  Once you die you cannot come back.  Once you pass to the next plane you cannot return.  Once you leave the physical world you can no longer operate in it.  If you are in the physical world you cannot operate in the spiritual world.  

    If anything can affect anything else in the physical world it has to be of the physical world.  PERIOD!


  3. that's spooooookeeyyyy......something strange like that happened to my phone once before....but it wasn't charging or night i went to bed, and then after i woke up the next day my phone rang, and the number came up unknown, and i realized that my ringer was different,....all of the ringers for the people in my hone had been changed, except for my moms, which was super weird to me, and freaked me out.....strange things have been happening to me and my roommate, and we are super freaked out!!!!;)

    oh by the way i don't want to scare you or anything but it has been known that sometimes spirits and ghosts follow people home, especially if it is not a residual haunting, a residual haunting is not really a spirit, its more like an imprint in time, and the scene keeps playing over and over again...but don't worry, it doesn't really seem like this is a major haunting, what other experiences have you had that makes you think his house is haunted?

  4. Could have been a power spike.

  5. Your comments demonstrate the danger of magical or superstitious thinking.  Once a believer gets it into his head that something paranormal is going on, all of a sudden everything has a paranormal cause.

    I would recommend you find an adult who doesn't believe in ghosts to come over and observe.  I will bet a dollar this person sees nothing supernatural or out of the ordinary.

  6. move and dont stress it

  7. I don't really understand what your question is... you heard a noise so you know you think that you have a ghost or spirit in your house?

    There are no such things as ghosts, spirits, hauntings....

  8. not good enough for Ripley's.

  9. A ghost just wanted to make a call, that's all.

    Sheesh, haven't you ever heard that ghosts are spirits that have 'unfinished business'?  Let 'em get their business taken care of.  A few calls... what is it exactly you are afraid of?  Roaming charges?

  10. This is the individual that lives in the house, his problem. He is creating the negative engery. And it is affecting eveyone who comes into this space. has he been ill, or had a recent surgery? All reasons to think it is his engry that is causing the problems.

  11. My husbands phone often turns itself on and off, I think it is a glitch or something. But from what I know about paranormal I dont think they generally follow people. They usually are trapped where they died, or they choose to be there instead of passing on.  They dont just float around the earth doing as they please like we do, not from what I ever heard. I dont really know what if anything you will find on the net since most of what is believed is considered opinion or belief and you also dont know that they are even telling the truth. One thing I have always heard is that if there is a presence then they will be more likely to bother you if you are scarred, worried, nervous, or just plain "thinking about them being there". So try not to get yourself tooo spooked! :)

  12. Electronic happenings like that are one of the hardest to associate to paranormal events.  There are just too many other possibilities that it would be a big leap for a normal person and an irresponsible one for anyone i the paranormal field to make.  Sorry, but strange things do just happen.

  13. If you are listening and  looking for ghost you will surely find them. Sounds and movements are all around us everyday and every night.  You are stressing about what you can't see instead you need to walk if off. You are looking for the strange and the unexplained instead of dealing with what you can fix. Read a book, go to a movie. in other words go on with your life. Ive never heard of a ghost or presence or a sound harming anyone. If there is such a thing as a ghost. One more thing, I don;t think  the ghost will pack its bags or bones and move in with you. Just tell the ghost it is not welcomed

  14. hun you probably are just being paranoid.. if your phone died and got plugged in to cahrge, it will turn on as soon as the battery has enough juice to do so.... If the house is old chances are someone has died in it.. but as far as it being haunted goes.. you need more proof then your phone powering on to blame it on a ghost..

  15. This is where you messed up with this question. You didn't tell the OTHER things that had been going on..the things that caused you to stay there to "check it out". Write another question and tell about the other things that have been happening. ..BEFORE the cellphone event. Maybe then someone on here can advise you better...instead of just making a joke of it.

  16. If it is actually exisits, it can follow you.  I would check the electrical.  How old is your phone.  I assume it has never acted in this way b/4?  How long has this paranormal activity been going on?  Other instances, other symptoms?  Is the room colder than normal when this happens?

  17. Mobile phones do things like that. It is usually due to the signal strength varying every now and then. If it hasn't switched on since it may need a new battery charger or just has a fault developed. As for anything supernatural there doesn't seem to be much proof of that and if there was I don't think it would transfer itself. OK (Ghosts wont' hurt you anyway.

  18. Well I can't see anything in what you stated. I have had an association.

  19. nothing wrong u probabky didnt turn the riger off so ur cell was just telling u that it was charging or done charging or needed to be turned on

  20. You could have a spirit haunting the house. Most spirits are not of a threatening nature. There are several types of haunting also. Don't discount poltergeist activity. It is hard to say. Get you stick of smudging sage and clean the house. You may have to do it several times before you get the message across to it that it is not welcome and don't forget to say while you are burning the sage, in the name of the lord, I command you to leave, you are not welcome here. Either that, or make freinds with it. If you are seeing spirits. then the spirit wants you to do something for it and it will not leave you alone until you do what it wants. Leave a tape recorder running and try to talk with it. you may not hear anything until you play it back. Ask it questions, give it time to answer, in between questions. Leave a paper and pencil on the bedstand and see if you can't get it to send you a message. Don't laugh, I had a phone call and got a phone number to call. It was my ex-husband. It was clear, it just sounded like he was trying not to disturb someone in the house. The voice was  very soft, but I knew who it was. The next day, when I called him to see what he wanted, his brother told me he had died that night. But the time I got the call was 3 hours after he had died. He had said he had something important to tell me, that's why I called. Maybe that was his way of letting me know he had crossed over.

  21. My phone sometimes turns on when it is charging, even if I have powered it off.

  22. something happened to my phone like that.. i took it to verizon and it just had a "melt down"

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