
What do you think this dream could mean????

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I had this dream last night that I ran away from home and stayed with some random guy I met in my dream who was dressed gangsterish. Me and this guy were hiding out and we kept moving around my city. At the end of my dream I started not trusting this guy and he ended up drugging by drink. As I was walking back to my house to see my family since I was sick of hiding out I started bleeding. So I decided not to go home anymore because I didn't want my mom to see me that way.

During the dream I was me but then again sometimes it would be like an outer body situation and I would be watching what I was doing. At the end of the dream that guy was suppose to kill me but I woke up before

What do you think this dream could mean??




  1. It sounds like a cry for help. Maybe you want to tell someone something, but you can't seem to do it because you are afraid. Perhaps you feel like you cant talk to the people you can trust, however, out of fear, you surround yourself with those you know aren't a good influence.  

  2. One interpretation:  for a time, you were rebelling.

    You encountered consequences of your rebellion.

    You were hurt, and too ashamed or alienated to turn to your mom for help.

    The alternative, s*x, drugs, and murder, was certainly far worse.

    Could it be that you could benefit by a neutral, caring third party, discussing any slight family issues?  1-800-525-LOVE counselors 24-7 is worthwhile.

    "Emotions," Marilyn Barrick, Ph.D., is good.

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