
What do you think this dream mean. i think it mean the future death of my aunt

by  |  earlier

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i dream that i was laying on the couch and some boy i didn't know jump on me. he had taking a liking to me. i not willing to deal with him. he kept on talking to me so i responded to him. i had been talking to him when this women came by he started talking to her she ask him to go to her apartment. i thought the boy was going to go with her. which made me happy because i wanted to lay back on the couch. however the boy wanted me to go with him. the boy and i was following her to apartment and when we went down the step . we lost her so we went knocking on neibers door to try to find her apartment. one of her neiber was rude and after the nieber shuted the door. i told the boy to always be polite no mater how people treat you. we were walking back from the rude nieber apartment when boy and i saw this open doorway . it was an empty apartment i told the boy not to go in and he did anyway. after telling him rerepeatably to get out i said stay there than. i started walking up the stairs to go back on the couch. i had got on the third step and she was coming down them. so i followed her to the apartment that the boy went to. as i was following her i smelled death and her skin was bubbly (very strange). i decided that the smell and look as that of death, i was so fearful that i forgot the little boy. he was on the steps and had fell off the steps . i than got worry about i went to make sure he was alright he was crying . the lady came be hide me and check him out and said "god was with the boy". when she got to the apartment that was an open doorway. it turned into a door with a k**b.she took a key to unlock it and she couldnt unlock. once she couldnt unlock the door.the door became boarded up with a big piece of wood. she got made walked passed the boy and i a man and woman. as she passed " she said no one mess with a soound like a person last name.




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