
What do you think this girl's problem is?

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I know this girl. Let's say we work together. She scrutinizes every word out of my mouth and when I'm around she will say things mocking me. She will take lines I use ( that other people appreciate or think are normal) and mock me with them. Not to my face but just so I can hear it.

Any situation or conversation she hears between me and someone else or any opinion I have she will try to use as fodder or use to mock me with, when she's not doing that she's using my lines like they're her own.

She dosent seem very good at what she does. ( she seems like an office gossip)

What do you think is wrong with her or better yet what does anyone gain from attempting to mock a person?




  1. I think, even if she wont admit it, I think she's jealous of you.  That's why people do that sort of thing.  No self esteem and it makes them feel better by putting someone down.  Tell her I said 'BITE ME'.

  2. maybe she doesn't like you


    any1 please answer this question I'm desprate

  3. Be the stronger person and ignore her mock, she's trying to annoy you, don't let her get to you.

  4. AIDs.

  5. That's odd.  Maybe she's a ******.

  6. Ask her what the heck her problem is, just ignore her, or start mocking her back...

    Actually, when you hear her mock you you could just say "no....I said it MUCH better"

  7. She likes to dissect people instead of accepting who they are. Don't worry about her intentions just focus on your own intentions and be good,calm, and collect. There is so much a person can take but do not roll with her comments. Keep your distance from her if she is causing major harm but visit her ever know and then for some small talk.

  8. She's a bit insecure. Be kind to her and let her see you're going out of your way to be nice. It's either going to get better or worse, but it won't stay the same. Either way, that's good, because it will make it easier for you to figure her out and decide how to deal with her in the future.

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