
What do you think- this is what I have to say about jumping (in a kind of poetic way)?

by Guest57284  |  earlier

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Jumping is near and dear to my heart because it is not about your performance or the horse's performance, not about how you look or how the horse looks- it is about the two-hearted team that is you and your horse. And when jump, you jump together, and you fly together.

I know it's not ALWAYS true, but I was kind of proud of myself for coming up with it- I thought it sounded pretty good.

Please respond truthfully, but semi-nicely! Thank you! ♥




  1. I really like it, but -honestly- sometimes jumping is about how you and or your horse look/ performance, especially in shows.


    good job though!

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself ♥

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