
What do you think this means? (i need a skaters opinion)

by  |  earlier

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ok i want to get into skating. so i got a board and ask the guy who owned the shop what i should do to learn. he said watch some videos or he gives lessons in the back. that was a bout a year ago. i never really got into it but now i want to like REALLY want to. so i ask him through myspace if he still gave lessons. he never answered but i know he saw it. do you think he doesn't like me or he thinks ill just give up on it or does he think i need to show him i have some potential like learn the basics before he should really talk to me? plz help!




  1. just watch alot of skate videos. i taught myself how to skateboard i bet u can too. dont stress if he likes u or not if u wanna skate the go outside and ride around. pick up tony hawks tip tricks. do wat u can if its wat u wanna do.

  2. maybe he's going through a hard time

  3. Go back to the shop and talk to the guy, dude. I am sure he will help you. Word of mouth  among his customers helps bring in more customers.Maybe he's just been too busy to get back to you.

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