I've grown up in a Christian church my entire life, but I've always had a little issue with what the Bible actually says about homosexuality.
In the NIV this verse says: 'Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.'
I have several bisexual and homosexual friends, and of course being close with them really makes me wonder what does this verse actually mean.
I have tried doing research, but I don't know what to believe. Some of the information that I've found says that the old testament is only against male homosexuality, and not lesbianism. They claim that since women were considered at that time to be inferior, for one man to have intercourse with another man degrades the man taking on the role of the "female". And since the women were inferior, it didn't matter if they had intercourse since they would not have been degraded in social status. This idea makes sense to me, but I don't know if I believe it?
Another idea I came across stated that the old testament was speaking only about the homosexual prostitution practices found within pagan temples. Again, this seems believable, but how do I know if this is right or not?
And also, suppose a woman is emotionally attached to another woman, and they are committed to one another. But, they never have intercourse, is this a sin? Is the sin of homosexuality being attracted to someone of the same s*x, or is that actual physical acts. And, I know there is probably lust, in a situation like that, but heterosexuals lust too, so that is not the sin I am concerned with.
I wish I could go to the minister of my church, but I live in a fairly conservative area. I doubt I would get an answer other than the expected "homosexuality is wrong because the Bible says so"...
So please, if you can give me any insight into this matter, I would greatly appreciate it.