
What do you think this was about?

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Today at lunch I was eating my lunch alone, and a group of seniors (i'm a freshman) invited me to there table and started talking to me. I know this is a weird question but I don't think it's normal for 17/18 year olds to invite a freshman to there table. (Past experiences have made me naturally suspicious of people at school treating me like a person)

BTW - I have another question about one of the guys there please answer:;_ylt=AoBG2INGD9PyCklLE_kDXyrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080822183653AAra1TP




  1. well some would say they just want to be friends, since you were sitting alone, but others would say they want something, but idk because i don't know them. but what i would do is ask them why they invited you over to their table.

  2. Okay on both of the notes that can apply to this:

    Skepticism: I was "friends" with a couple of seniors in my freshman year. At first it seemed like they just thought I was cool or whatever, but as more time passed, it got to be more that they just liked to make fun of me, the freshman.

    Optimism: People wanted to talk to you. If you want, you can accpet the offer that's already out there and just talk to them and see if you can be friends with people who are a few years older than you. After about a year of those two guys mocking me, I learned to laugh it off and joke around with them and about them ('course that could have just been me).

    It makes perfect sense to be suspicous of people (whether they're talking to you or in any other experience) when you're past tells you to be. You are a very intelligent person, my friend. If you don't want to see where this road's going, then stop sitting with them (or near them) and just ignore them. OR you can try and be friends. It's totally your choice. I just thought I'd answer. Hope I helped at all. Good luck!

  3. Hmm, does sound a little fishy. But if you ask them why they invited you then how are you to know if they're telling you the truth? Just be cool, nice, and friendly but stay wary. Maybe they're genuine, maybe not, who knows? So keep your eyes open and enjoy your lunch ^_^

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