
What do you think to global warming?

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What do you think to global warming?




  1. It's real, and I believe the earth is trying to repair itself right now - just look at china - all countries are in-line for huge catstrophes if we do not pay attention.

  2. uth oh, (not good)

  3. THE TEMPERATURE HERE IN ATLANTA HAS RISEN 5 Degrees already since 6AM!!!!!

    We have to stop it NOW!!!


    We have to stop using power completely!!!

    I blame Bush

  4. i think global warming is real and we are seeing the result's of it however i truly believe the worst is yet to come.

  5. the sun is half its age future ppl will be burnt to shreds form it

  6. its definitely happening, and i believe that it will become irreversible in the year 2012...

    ...i DO think, however, that people will start paying more attention to the problem now....they're putting more products on the market to promote going green... hoping that the gas prices continue to go up because maybe people will start buying hybrids and electric cars....

    GO GREEN! :o)

  7. It's happening right now

  8. global warming is pants. if it was global warminng the ice caps would melt really fast. but they melt really slow.

  9. It is truly happening to us. Ocean levels have been rising while the glaciers have been melting. Temperatures have been continually rising, and snow is a lot more sparse than usual. I remember when we got 3 feet that stayed in the wintertime, and now we only barely get 1.5 feet that melts quickly.

    I believe that sooner than we think, the damage will be irreversable, and humans will slowly be burned to a crisp (couldn't resist putting that in there from one of the above answers ;). However, this a problem that truly needs to be solved.

    I too, put much of the blame on Pres. Bush. If he wasn't so busy making war and war machines, he might be paying more attention to what our issues as a world are.

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