
What do you think to this, local authorities have billions in the bank that could be put to good use?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yeah secret money they are keeping for second homes, fancy cars, holidays and other luxeries.

  2. its always like that .....

  3. Yes, but try getting them to spend 'our' money on decent services! All last summer my elderly aunt who is disabled had a gloomy lounge and bedroom because the council insisted they had no funds to cut back their tree outside her property. I offered to pay for the work with our council approved gardener and they threatened to take me to court if we touched the tree! Four weeks ago following two phone calls to the council and with the threat of me taking them to court and the story to the national papers they came and sorted the tree out - result - one well presented tree and one delighted old lady with a lounge she can sit and read in during the day!

  4. but we need to have some money saved up for when we have bad times. Infact I don't beleive we have saved enough through all the "good times" which are now coming to an end.

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