
What do you think was/is/will be your rite of passage?

by  |  earlier

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something that doesn't have to do with academics




  1. Then passage into what?

  2. I would say religious ceremonies are rites of passages. A wedding to me is probably one of the biggest ceremonies in our society today.

  3. As far as moving into adulthood? I definitely didn't have a sweet 16. I think it was either getting my drivers license, getting my first job or getting kicked out of my parents house. I think getting kicked out of my parents house was the biggest. I was thrust into the world and discovered so many things about myself and my strengths and weaknesses and about people and the world in general.

  4. I've had quite a few so far. One of the most powerful was watching someone die, then be resuscitated by the emt's while under the influence of a hallucinogen.

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