
What do you think was the first language to ever be spoken?

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A lot of languages originate from latin, but going further back, what do you think is the most ancient language? Short of caveman grunting hehe




  1. body language- gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, etc.

  2. Well, the first civilization was mesopotamia right?

    So wouldn't a language among them be the first fluent language?

    I think so.

    But also Greek, latin, french. They make up most of the English Language.

  3. don't know about language.  but i know the first thing ever that was said:

    "Hey! I'm gonna get naked and see what i've got down there!  Ohh, hey!  I can have fun with this thing, I think i'll stay naked and do everything like this!"

    ---Adam upon waking up for the first time after being created.  

  4. Gibberish :P

    Seriously, i would say Hebrew.

  5. What u got genst cavemen... grunga gooamndy no nug a to you

  6. Dinosaurese

  7. A lot of European languages originate from Latin, lots of others originate from a Germanic origin, etc., but these two origins have many similarities. Then they must have been originated from another language. Hebrew and Arabic have the same root which is different to that of European languages. Iranian (Persian, Dari, Armenian, Osetian,etc.) and Indian (Sanskrit, Hindi, Urdu, etc.) languages share many similarities with the European ones.

    Then, many languages which are spoken now have their roots in ancient languages which are dead now, and no document relating to them exists today. So, they are called "pro (proposed) Indo-European", "pro-semitic", "pro-Slavic (the origin of Russian, Polish, Czeck, Serbian,...) languages.

    The next point is that many languages have kept their ancient names, but have changed significantly through history. For example the Persian which is spoken today is completely different to that which was spoken about 3000 years ago. The same is true about Hebrew, Latin, Greek,.... The question is, can we say modern greek or modern Persian are 3000 years old?

  8. Babble i reinvented it 10 years ago LOL

  9. Aww I was gonna say gibberish... hmm... monkey?.. we did descend from them..

  10. There is a big gap before the first language being spoken and the first language to be written. If you imagine a normal clock and the first language to have been spoken at 00:00 then proportionally the first language to be written would have happened at 23:59.

    Languages that are not written evolve very fast - look at how quickly slang changes for example. So there really is no way of finding out what the first spoken language was. Sumerian is likely to be the first written language though.

  11. gooo doo hah ddo ggaga goo ;-)

    May be it was Aramaic.........

  12. hi, it is a very interesting question. I don't know if you understand italian, but if you, click on this web-site:

    It's said that the first ever-spoken language has its origins in Africa and its name is protosapiens (as you know sapiens is our animal-gender). This language bore about 100.000 years ago.

    Furthermore it's said that from Africa many people emigrated to different continents during vary ages. The first group went to Europe and Asia (an example of which kind of language was spoken, it's said, maybe it was very similar to "Basco" - it is spoken in the north of Spain and in the south of France) about 100.000 years ago.

    The second about 7.000 years ago but not from Africa, but from already conquered lands because of the discovery of agriculture (an example of the spoken language is "indo-europeo", the language from which derives latin, germanic...).

    The third group moved to the iced-lands in the North, from which the language of Eskimos and the inhabitants of Siberia and Alaska developped.

    The forth group is connected with the last phase of human history when the development of complex societies allowed small groups to dominate even linguistically other populations. The Altaic family would spread in this way, as well as some languages belonging to the family Indo (the greek, Latin, Persian and Sanskrit) or Sino-Tibetan (Chinese or mongolico).

    Sorry for my translation, I hope you will understand, anyway if you don't speak italian try to translate with Google, I perfectly know that it doesn't work well but anyway you could catch the "idea".


    take a look also here, it's in english

  13. Hahahahaha

    Dinosaurese was crackers.

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