
What do you think wasted food?

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I work at a buffet style restaurant.

Every day my restaurant throw away so much food we can eat.

The reason is be left food.

I don't want to throw away food we can eat.

Because so many people are died of hunger all over the world.

What do you think wasted food?




  1. Because so many people are died of hunger?

    The reason is to be left food?

    Well, I know who DIDN'T graduate high school.

    I know why you work in a restaurant now.

  2. get in touch with the corporate office and let them know how u feel

  3. Maybe you could ask the manager to take some of the food to not waste it, and ask him if you could take it off his hands. Then it will save the restraunt those garbage stickers and money!

  4. I understand what you mean ... I've thought the same thing every now and again but it's just the way restaurants (including All-You-Can-Eat) do things.

  5. I agree, people go to buffet and grab everything they see, just because the food is there...they don't get what they could eat...a half eaten plate of food is like a buffet for somebody in a third world country...

  6. Why don't you get in touch with a local shelter and see if they have any use for the food?

    They may not, but it is worth a try.  You can do something good for the world while showing your company that you have good ideas and care about the world around you.

  7. It's sad that food is wasted when so many people are hungry...but you cannot be eating (or feeding to others) food that has been on someones plate!!!  Even if it looks don't know that maybe they handled it or sneezed on it, dropped it on the floor.  It's better to toss it than risk disease.  Besides...places where there are buffets are not close to places in the world where people are starving, so there would be no way to transport the food there and distribute it to them anyway

  8. I can agree with your point of view, but that same food is not always wasted. Sometimes it goes to pig farms etc.

    Sometimes to homeless shelters.

    But if it didn't go to waste on the buffet and may have rotted in the refrigerator as well.

  9. Wasted food is a shame. But if you are talking about hungry people that live in deserts, that's different. See a desert by name is dry and dead. Why would people live there? Want to starve? Go live in the desert. We have deserts here, we just don't live in them.

    As far as wasted food goes, it's a shame....

  10. Have you asked the manager, or owner operator if it was possible to give the leftover food to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter, and then write off the costs of containers etc on their taxes at the end of the year?

    Contact a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, and ask what kind of donations they accept, and if it has to be packaged a certain way.

    Just a thought.

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