
What do you think we, average citizens, can do to reduce violence within schools?

by  |  earlier

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Lately, there has been so much violence in schools and it's sad. Whether it's shooting, fighting, or gang violence, it needs to be ended. I'm 16, and it honestly scares me when I think of the future for my generation (especially with the world in general, being in the state that it's in). What really gets me is school shootings because individuals who are depressed and/or mentally unstable usually show certain characteristics. People need to pay more attention to them and try to help them before it's too late. Me, personally, I'm nice to everyone because you never know what somebody is going through, and a smile can go a long way.




  1. I think average citizens should take a good look at how they are raising their children .  If you believe it's your right to have everything , then you'll believe you can take it by any means available to you.

    Bring discipline back to homes and schools.

  2. Turn the tv off and teach children morals as in the past.

  3. I totally agree, I too, am nice....and I really do try to be even when I don't feel like being nice...however, I also KNOW, that just because you're nice to people does NOT mean that they will be nice to you...if someone is going to do harm to you, especially in a violent way, then they have made up their mind to do so...and my smile does not matter at this point...

    I think we, as average citizens...could be more giving of our time especially to young people...I mean, like you said, there are sooooooooooooo many young people doing violent acts these days...maybe if some of us older, more experienced adults would give some of our time to these troubled, young people, they might sooner or later get the message that hey, we really do care what is going on in the world...there is still love, and a lot of people have forgotten that, and some of these kids do NOT even know what it is to love or be loved...

    I mean, you know in today's world it takes 2 people working to run a household and keep the bills paid...that means that a lot of these kids go home to NO ONE...because everyone is working...I think that this is a big part of the one is around to monitor and mentor these kids and they just end up doing as they darn well please, not because they really want to but because it's easy to just do anything especially when no one is home...

    Music in today's world is another huge influence on the way kids think and how they act or react to any life situation...the music of today is are most of the video games kids have access to today...

    All of these things combined are very dangerous, especially to a kid that is depressed and/or troubled for whatever reason...

    You, on the other hand, are using your mind and it's a very good thing that you recognize all of this...maybe you will be one of the ones that actually make a difference in someone's life...keep up the good work...being aware of what is going on around one's world is almost half the you, my friend are on the right track...stay there...

  4. The answer is in the parents.If they were to be more involved I am sure the problems would be greatly reduced. Now sometimes even good parents can miss things. Some times the friends and classmates need to report odd occurrences. If some of their classmates had reported threats instead of brushing them off as dramatics some of the school violence could have been avoided. I guess we all have to chip in.

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