
What do you think we are going to evolve into?

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any thoughts?

the old fossil skulls, shows us gradually getting larger heads as our brains get bigger and more advanced, do you think this will keep happnening? Will we soon have huge heads?




  1. Please learn about natural selection, it is important.

  2. Borg.

  3. brain size has nothing to do with intelligence.  

  4. Technological and social evolution will vastly outpace biological evolution.  We will change ourselves much faster than any gradual biological process.  You can already see this happening.

  5. my head is swollen now and it dont even have a brain

  6. Actually the average height of a male human has grown by 4 inches (10cm) in just 200 years, so it is happening faster than you think.

  7. What a great question, it shows a real brain thinking! Personally, I think that we may get shorter as there is less space for us on the planet, (overpopulation) and we will continue to use more of our brain. I believe that ESP is possible, so telecommunication may develop as well. My hope is that we will become intelligent enough not to blow ourselves up.  

  8. grrr..the head didnt get bigger ..apes started having haircut  

  9. I don't really see us evolving in the normal sense anymore. We've taken away the reigns from natural selection, if we're going to make any progress it's going to be in the form of genetic or cybernetic enhancements. Although before that we will probably all be a tan color, due to the proliferation of interracial couples, which will be nice.There are also a few people who currently have interesting mutations which hopefully will be spread throughout the gene pool in a thousand years(indicated in video).

  10. Yes you are on the right path, we could also become "floaters" big brains, no legs, just feelers and we would be able to float and utilize "worm holes" to get around in the universe.

  11. In the US?  Bowling balls.  Perfectly spherical balls.

    All joking aside, technological "evolution" will outpace evolution massively.  Especially once nanotechnology and cybernetics get a good way to interface with the human nervous system... that's the only thing really holding us back even right now from making better than human body parts... the part is only as good as the interface and the interface needs to work as well as the natural one would have at least.  

    Then you can think about genetic manipulation and designer changes to your own dna eventually.

    I'd say well inside the next 100 years, we'll come to the technological singularity.

  12. My son's best friend has a huge head already.

  13. Over the last 10,000 years or so, there has been no changes indicated that anyone group is changing into a new species.  Natural selection is a filtering process, so that really isn't bringing us to the level of a new species.

    Here's a guess, though.  The only thing that would indicate a new species about to emerge would be something with extra (or maybe just different) genetic material, but currently still human.  The only humans with these traits are those with Down's syndrome and those with the extra s*x chromosomes.

    EDIT: seriously--if we are undergoing gradual change, over these last 10,000 years or so, there should be SOME measurable change in our genes that would indicate change.  The ONLY measurable addition in genetic structures are those with Down's syndrome and those with the extra s*x genes (XXY and x*x, i think).  That's what evolution predicts.  All that other stuff is natural selection, and is not a change of species.

  14. We will stop evolving biologically once we have merged ourselves with technology... Which is probably not to far from now, another century at most

  15. How far down the line are you thinking? A million years? Ten million?

    My pet theory (that I've done some research into since I heard of it) is that the final stage of our evolution, the farthest we'll ever go, or ever need to go, is to evolve to the point where we surpass the need for matter, and become, instead, pure energy. Where we communicate with a thought, by way of thought, at the speed of thought, and travel the same. We'd need no more oxygen, no more food, water, anything. We'd simply be able to travel the universe instantly, communicate instantly....

    Sounds kind of nuts, even to me, but I can't help but love the possibility.

    Atheistically yours,

    JM Gendron.

  16. someone told me we would become taller...

  17. This will happen over the course of MANY thousands of years... not in our lifetime. And actually, natural selection does not count for our species anymore sinse we have become so advanced, so we might not evolve at all.

  18. Hopefully, beings capable of resolving conflict without resorting to war.

  19. Hopefully a meteorite will hit earth and destroy it once and for all

  20. What advancement exactly? Did the average mental capabilities go along with the growth? Mass media hasn't done much of a job of advancing education or controlling brutality. Some of us are just MONSTROUS, in mentality and disposition...that doesn't look to be declining anytime soon. I doubt there's any historical point to compare it to.

    If evolution is guided by adaptation to the environment, I tend to agree that bio-tech will curb natural development MIGHTILY.

    Nah, cranial growth isn't likely to keep happening...I think we can safely expect a drop in general fortitude, parallel to the inclusion of foriegn matter into human physiology. It's just not made for these things.

    Could write comics from some of what's turned up here.

  21. No. Your ancestors 5,000 years ago had the same size head and were not any shorter than you. If you have posterity, then your descendants will have the same size brain and be about the same height as you 10,000 years from now.

  22. fossil skulls only show us that something died.Nothing changing.We are going to die some day also.That is all fossils prove to us.

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