
What do you think we should do?

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My fiance and I were in a long distance relationship, so his family lives in New Hampshire/Mass. and mine live in Michigan. He wants to run off to Vegas and get married, and thats not what I dreamed of, but he said theres no other way to do it.I want all his family and all my family to be there, but how can we do that? It's expensive to have everyone go to one's soo confusing.




  1. Don't sacrifice like that. I'm not too into the "It’s the brides day so the bride gets whatever she wants" thing, but you want to be able to look back at your wedding and be happy about it. That isn't even a compromise, that’s your fiancé being too much a pacifist to deal with having to make a decision that may hurt a feeling. There are other options! Pick one place to have the wedding and invite all the family, if they can't come then they will have to deal. If one side is wealthier, you may want to be asking them to travel. It sounds kind of mean to pin that on them, but really if you think some of them may be able to fly or drive out then it’s worth asking them instead of sending invites to the other family where you know they will say no. You could also do something in the middle, but then everyone has to travel and spend money. Its hard to pick, but it may be worth saving half the people the trouble.

    You can also have a wedding with one side of the family, and then have a "celebration of marriage" party with the other side, or have an engagement party in the other part of the country before the wedding. You could also do the Vegas thing and then do laid back receptions after. Some people may see that as looking for gifts, but just don't register anywhere and treat it more like a party than a reception. It is obvious you just want to celebrate with everyone and gifts are not a high priority. If you do any second parties, you may not want to wear a bridal gown though. If you really wanted to wear white, you could do a simple white dress instead of a gown.

    It is not unusual for couples to get married in one of the couple’s home state and to invite people from out of state. My uncle is from Mass like the rest of his family and my aunt (his wife) is from California. All his friends and family flew out to California.

    Talk to your fiance and your close family members. Hopefully they will understand and you should be able to work things out. Good luck!!

  2. well.. how old are you in the first place? but if thats not what you want to do then dont do it.  

  3. There's no other way to do it?!? People have weddings in different locations than they live *all* the time.

    1) pick where you want to get married (your hometown, or his, or a destination

    2) invite whoever you want to be there

    3) hire a planner if you need one

    4) have a wedding.

    Not so bad, really. The planning process should be fun, so don't get overwhelmed with it...

    Guests who want to be there will be there, and they will pay their way to get there. Maybe you should think about a destination between Michigan and New Hampshire. Then each side has to travel halfway. Fair to everyone, and kinda symbolic as well.

  4. can't you just save up and have a nice wedding? you could have a destination wedding in a few years and that way everyone will have to travel but they'll have plenty of time to plan

  5. Have a long engagement and tell everyone to start saving up for a destination wedding.

    Find a nice place in between the two families so that no one travels farther than anyone else. Or have a real destination wedding in, say, Mexico.

    Give everyone plenty of time to save (including you, two) and have the wedding you'd like.

  6. You can have a civil ceremony in Vegas, just the two of you.  And then a reception in New England and another in Michigan.

    People do this kind of thing all the time.

  7. u look way to young to get married u may wanna rethink this 1

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