
What do you think we(and governments)should be doing about Global Warming?

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What can the government be doing about it?

What should the government be doing about it?

What are other governments doing about it, and do you think we (the UK) should be doing any of these?

Why do you think people don't do their bit about global warming (I still see 1 person driving 4x4's and aviation is going to double in the next 25yrs)

How can the government encourage people do help stop climate change??




  1. Nothing. Unfortunately, the notion that people/population are changing the climate is an unfounded theory. The climate has been constantly changing since the beginning of the world.

    Ideally, would be nice if we could end our reliance on petroleum products and find more efficient energy sources for vehicles, travel, heating, and so on. However, the solution to the energy situation is not truly related to "global" warming. The problem is rooted in the political situation in the Middle East, in the global economy, in population growth, and in research and dvevelopment of new fuel and energy sources.

    We do not have any historical data on climate changes that are more than several hundred years old...truthfully that is not enough data to proclaim "global warming" is occuring, although there is great evidence that supports ideas that state we have experienced great warming and cooling periods over the millenia.

    I think the best thing governments can do is to stop supporting the ridiculous notion of "global warming" and start encouraging growth and research/development for new, more efficient, and less costly energy sources and fuel!!

  2. I think we need to consume less.

    i find a "good" economy is a misleading term. It refers basically to a high rate of consumption , a high rate of depletion of natural ressources, which in my opinion is not good at all.

    I think that governments should investigate all of the long-term repercussions of new inventions as well as them being used or produced in any given number before releasing the products to the population, but that would require an entirely new way that society functions in particular economies.

    for me a GOOD economy should be one which we deplete natural ressources at a slower rate than the rate at which they renew themselves.

    there's a limited set of "stuff" on our planet, converting too much of it to something else throws the planet off balance and that's not good, no matter what it is.

    would it be good to have all car exhaust simply water? i would guess it would make the world a much cloudier and rainier place, if you're creating water that didn't exist before. too many clouds and not enough sun would send the earth into another ice age.

    but something more practical and plausible that i think society could do for cars at least and that would be at least a good start is to make the fuel and exhaust a closed system where the exhaust is reused to create the fuel but still, that would require some other form of energy from somewhere. so really you can't win, only delay the inevitable consequences of over consumption.

    I think maybe you have it backwards. governments don't encourage people to stop climate change, people encourage the government. once they do, the government can enforce any number of rules and regulations. but they will never force on to the public more than the public wants.

    so you need to wonder. what does saving the environment really require? and are you prepared to go through with it? then once people know that, they can know what to demand of their governments. but honestly i think the majority of people aren't really prepared to do what it would take. It would take alot more than giving up your SUV for a regular car. you'd have to live with alot less than that i think. But then again best things in life are free right? so why not?

  3. the government dont do nothing they say thet they will do something but thet dont yes your right people dnt do thier bit to help the environment but soon enough people will notice that global warming is our first priority

  4. if the government want to help stop it, it will.... but unluckily they have in their opinion much more important things to do than that..... they'd rather create weapons and help destruct more lands than keeping our enviroment healthy :S  if people united we can do something..... but we need to know what we should actually do... and im really glad there is someone who care, you are one good human :)

  5. government?

    they won't do nothing

    theyre so selfish.

    they don't care about the environment.

  6. Because there's no proof that man caused it.  Alot of people are making alot of money off this c**p (Al Gore for one).  Why do people get so excited about a totally unproven theory?  In ten years we'll all be laughing at Al Gore for being such a rube!

  7. Nothing. The World is already wrecked

  8. I like what Skatta said.  If I were you I would watch the show Naked Science: "Glacier Meltdown".  We are going to have a big problem in some of the states if we don't do something now.  *One way you can start is when you go to the store use canvas bags instead of paper or plastic bags.  Target has good bags to use in three different sizes.  You can even put in your purse.  *You can wash all your garments on cold cold.  Go to the Oprah site to learn more.*Reuse the same glass the whole day. *Recycle, recycle, recycle.  It can take up to maybe a year or two for plastic bodles to desinagrate.

  9. All new cars should be hybrids minimally, higher taxes on the bigger the vehicle, solar and wind energy conversions/credits, higher rates on all consumption of precious resources (water).

  10. all i know is we should do something. i don't know anything else. i have no position or political platform to have any suggestions nor do i fool myself into believing i do. the gap between me sitting here and the people working behind the scenes in whatever system they are involved in is farther  and wider than my eye can see.

    does it matter who caused it? no  it doesn't. it's still a  problem.

  11. You need not react to something that does not exist.  What happened to the ice age they were predicting in the 70's?  Scientific evidence does not conclusively or empirically support the global warming myth.  So- called global warming is just a scam to line the pockets of Al Gore and people like him.

  12. We, meaning individuals making free choices about what they feel is best should do what ever we as individuals feel is best.  The government should stay out of this.

  13. Governments should be performing research into carbon cycle science and determining exactly what can be done in all areas to mitigate emissions.  This type of research is being conducted across more than a dozen U.S.  federal agencies now, as summarized in these reports:

    The conclusion of the first series of studies is that 40% of emissions are related to power generation, 30% transportation.  

    We need to invest in energy saving technologies (such as included in the Energy Star program), halt the building of coal-fired power plants ASAP, raise auto MPG standards, phase out the least efficient, highest-emitting airplanes, and invest in mitigation techniques such as reforestation and carbon sequestration.

    Tansportation includes everything from airlines to ships to diesel-powered trains.  People driving SUVs represent maybe .0001% of the problem, a false argument about what really needs to be done about the issue.  Furthermore, vilifying a few people who made a vehicle decision before this issue came to light (and most SUV owners still don't understand it), or who can't afford to replace a $30,000 vehicle every time some environmentalist sneezes only alienates people to need to be on board solving the problem.  Believe it or not, there are also large regions of the planet where 4WD is important to have.  I'm a major proponent of addressing global warming, but I've driven in 4WD for over 95% of my driving for the past month to get to work and to see my children, so I don't have a lot of patience for people who self-righteously complain about something they simply happen not to need.  I could use a sedan for some portion of my Summer driving, but I can't afford the additional purchase, maintenance, and insurance costs.  Does that clear up some portion of your confusion about SUVs and why they haven't magically disappeared?

    My suggestion: simply tax the gasoline to match its environmental impact, and people who don't really need trucks or SUVs will choose more efficient vehicles.  Do the same and we'll have healthier energy sources.  In the meantime, focus on educating everyone you know so we can make the big public policy changes that need to take place to make a measurable dent.

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