
What do you think when someone tells you that they are a Swimmer?

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What do you think when someone tells you that they are a Swimmer?




  1. That they swim.

  2. i think that is cool.

    i ask how long have you been swimming? where do you swim?

    maybe we can meet up sometime...that is if i get a good vibe from them...

    some people ask me do you shave?!?

    why would you want to do that.?

    do you have to wear a speedo?

  3. That they train hard just like me.

    I swim 2!

  4. I think that's great because it means they're staying active, and most likely they'd be adventurous.  Also this means that they have a pretty nice body build.

  5. That they will live longer.

  6. I think that we should get together and talk about swimming.

    maybe go on a swim date.

    Perhaps talk about which swimsuit looks best on one another.

  7. Do You Use The Same Razor For Your Face That You Use For Your Pubes.....

  8. i wonder what he looks like with out his shirt lmao jk...... i like swimming too

  9. that we might get to compete sometime... and that it is totally awesome, that usually starts long conversations about how to improve our stroke, what pools we like/dislike, good/bad coaches, times and events, how they got started, what their favorite stroke is, and lots more, lol...

  10. they shave. lol

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