
What do you think when you find out someone has had multiple abortions, more than 3?

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Be honest. Something comes to mind. I think that they are abusing the right to choose b/c there are sooo many b/c methods out there.




  1. I mind my own business, as should you.

  2. The person should get help on birth control methods.

  3. I believe they are abusing when they've had that many or more.

  4. Smart girl. -- A little hardheaded for my taste, but still a smart girl.

  5. I had a friend who had had seven abortions.

    I never even thought of judging her for it.

  6. My instant thought is we need to sterilize her.

    She obviously is irresponsible and is going to be a danger to any child she decides to keep (assuming her body will even keep a pregnancy to term after all that trauma)

  7. My first thought- They are irresponsible because they are grown up enough to do the grown up but not grown up enough to have a baby.

    So maybe they need to get a handle on whats real in life.

  8. My very first thought?

    "What are you doing reading someone else's medical records?"

    My second thought ~ have you lived that person's life? If not, then how are you qualified to judge?

    Just for your edification, a recently aired television programme here in Australia documented the struggles of a married couple trying to have a child. They conceived three times, and each time the pregnancy resulted in a foetus with anencephaly, a lethal brain defect which means either carrying a dead foetus to term or if the foetus lives, having a baby without a brain ~ literally without a brain, which would die in agony minutes after birth.

    That lady had three abortions due to this, and she and her husband were in total agony about it, as the one thing they wanted more than anything was a child of their own.

    That's the type of reason people have three abortions, unless they have some mental problem.

    People are so quick to judge without knowing anything about what others go through.

  9. i really think abortions are worng;;

    so yeaa if they are sooo concerned about  not havingg a baby;;

    two things come to mind;;



  10. that she is a f***king s**t or something

  11. I think it's none of my business and I'll stay out of it, thank you.

    they'll meet God one day....let Him judge them, it's nobody's job to judge but Him.

  12. more than 3?

    My first thought would be where is the father's say in these abortions?

    My second thought would be use birth control and stop being an irresponsible t**t.

  13. I would feel heartbroken for the whole situation.

  14. I feel sorry for them because they haven't availed themselves of better methods of birth control.  It's not my place to judge them.

  15. She should be forced to have her ovaries removed.

  16. I firmly believe that abortion is murder because they are killing the baby and even though it is not born yet, I think that they would have loved the chance to live and love. I would probably be kinda mad at the person even though I don't know them it can say a lot about your character.

  17. I think that unless they were very medically necessary, that she is a very selfish and thoughtless  person who doesn't know how to take responsibility for her lack of brains in not using precautions, and that she is a murderer.

  18. I would think they are either frequent victims of rape, inept with contraception's and lazy, or a very bad word.

  19. ew..

  20. How can someone ever abuse the right to choose? If anything, this woman just might one of the few people on Earth who has a mind of her own. Truly independent people couldn't give a d**n about what you or I think.

  21. That is simply unacceptable to me.

    I know I would have nothing to do with that person.

    Too bad she can't be charged with manslaughter.

  22. One abortion disgusts me, but three is enough to make me have nothing to do with that person, EVER!

  23. Depends on why. If she was delt some bad cards, like what if she was raped, or wasn't ready, or whatever. But if she was using it as birth control, then she'd need some help.

  24. tat d person is irresponsible..

  25. To each their own! God bless America!

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