
What do you think when you see 15 year old girls with their noses and belly buttons pierced?

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I had my nose pierced when I was 15...I'm 20 now and I still have it.

Just curious though, cause now when I look around seeing girls with their bodies all pierced up I just cringe a little.




  1. i think it depends on the person.  some people look S****y no matter what they do you know.  i have my nose pierced and i love it.  i had wanted it done for the longest time but didn't get it till i was 22.  i know some people who look good with several piercings, and i know some people who don't have any and are still S****y.  i think some of them are just a little too young, though, and that does make me cringe too.

  2. Its tells u that they dont respect themselves if hurting themselves will make them cool-they'll do it

    nose peircing isnt as bad if it is small take jordin sparks hers is fine

  3. At 15 they should be able to properly care for a new piercing so I think it's up to them. Piercing is a good option as it can always be taken out, unlike a tattoo which is forever.

  4. i think its just a little extreme..but its jewelry just lik earrings so i dont have a problem with it really =]

  5. i have my nose pierced its just a little diamond. to me as long as the girl doesnt act like a ***** shes not a *****

  6. I think there is nothing WRONG or WEIRD about having nose or belly piercings .

    Im 14 and i had my nose pierced .

    I dont bother about the people that stare at me or their impressions on me .

    (: Because i love body art .

  7. i tHiNk iT lOOkS gOOD ON ANy ONE..i hAVE My NOSE piERCED

  8. I think nothing of it - now if there were piercings everywhere, I might raise an eye brow.. LOL!

  9. I think they look terrible. Why in the world do you need to do this. I'd rather look natural than with holes all over my body. But if the parents and the person doing it are okay with it, that's their business.

  10. I think its their bodies someday they may regret it though but then its too late

  11. I have my nose pierced and my bellybutton pierced to im 15!!

  12. the only part of the body that should be seen pierced is the ears. sure, you can have your belly button pierced, but in public, cover it up please. especially if your leaning a bit toward the larger side.

  13. I think they needed a good spankin..

    If God wanted us to be pierced we would of been born that way.

  14. I got my belly button pierced when I tuned 18 but I think it looks incredibly trashy on the majority of 15/16 year olds who have them. Girls today tend to dress trashy and try to act like they're 20 some years old... do they even realize that they just look like little s***s? I mean - you wouldn't know I had mine unless you were at the pool or beach with me (and I do not dress conservatively at all).

    If the girl has it done and isn't dressing trashy to show it off then I don't have a problem... It just annoys me when they do (and makes me wonder how their parents let them out of the house!)

  15. I dont think anything about 15 year olds with their belly buttons pierced its their body let them do what thet want

    I am 12 and i have my belly button pierced!

    You should get your belly button pierced=]

    PS: i think it looks HOTTT!

  16. that depends on what they look like.

  17. depends,some look like s***s or little kids when they do it,some just match them.all depends

  18. I got my nose pierced when I were 14 and I'm 15 now.. no-one has ever commented on it

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