
What do you think when you see a pregnant woman smoking?

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What do you think when you see a pregnant woman smoking?




  1. I am a very strong believer in not judging people but when they are putting the health of their unborn child at risk then how can you not judge. My aunty smoked all through her pregnancy even after they freaked out about a high risk from the triple test (down's screening) I mean... surely if you were worried about down's you'd want to do everything to make sure your baby was healthy.

    I can't help but think that they are  not ready for the many sacrifices that parenthood entails if they start the journey without such an important sacrifice

  2. It really pisses me of because I never had another cigarette after I had taken the test and ate healthy and didn't do a thing wrong and when my son was born he was very sick and had some heart problems but a girl I worked with smoked and drank all the way through her pregnancy and her little girl was very healthy.

  3. Honestly that is a situation that is really hard not to judge someone.

    I try not to but everyone knows the effects of smoke to an infant.

    And When I see that I cant help but feel frustrated for the child.

    This goes for parents who smoke in front of their very young children too. Kids dont ask too breathe that stuff.  

  4. I don't like it but what can I do? If I said something they would probably get very defensive and think I'm trying to tell them how they should live their life.  

  5. That she is selfish and doesn't care about her health or the health of her baby.

  6. I think about all the health problems her child is likely to have during and after her pregnancy and I wonder why she can't be bothered to quit.

  7. i think its bad for the baby but their choice

    i smoked until 22 weeks

    but i was slowly cutting down to quit

    as soon as i found out i was pregnant i went from a pack a day to half a pack then to like 6 then 4 then two then one n i quit eventually

    it was very hard to quit

    if i had planned it i would have quit before the pregnancy

    but i was told to cut down anyways n i didnt no till i was like 2 months so


    i unno everyone has different opinions on it

    u gotta remember how stressfull it is if its unplanned especially your whole life changes so quitting smoking is one of the last things you want to do not to mention stress is bad for the baby as well

    but my baby boy is very healthy n wasnt early or anything caused by smpoking. so im lucky :)

  8. I think about that poor child in there and what could happen to him/her because the parent is too selfish.

  9. Selfish

  10. I really want to kill them! There baby when it is born could die and or will have a disease or sickness of some sort...I think the people who are smoking and pregnant are a little bit selfish and NEED to fall down stairs to kill that baby so they do not have to see it suffer. Thatk you for getting me on a rampage about pregnant girls that smoke!  

  11. Gross




    bad mother


    no brain

    poor baby

  12. disspicable

  13. I would probably ask her for a light.

    I smoked during all 3 of my pregnancies because my Dr. told me not to quit, because quitting could put stress on me and harm the baby. Cut back he said, so I did. I ended with with 3 big and healthy babies. All because of the Dr's suggestion. So my kids benefited from that.

    Also, bi-polar is a genetic disorder not something caused by smoking. Not every problem is caused by smoking. I wish some of you people would read every now and then.

  14. they're idiots?

  15. What do I think? Her body, her life, her business, and no, I don't smoke any more and am pg. I think life would be a lot nicer if people minded their own damned business more often.  

  16. i used to work at a pizza place and there was this girl that lived up the block so i would always see her.. and she was constantly with a cigarette.. always smoking. you would even see her with her friends or with her own mother and she would be smoking. it gets me so mad. so pissed off and wanting to curse them out. like i dont care if you just became pregnant or if you're due in a week dont f*ckin smoke.. and dont be around smokers. << with that i know a girl she posted pictures on her myspace she was out with friends at a bar where they still smoked in. so i told her if you want to go out no problem have your friends pick a place that you have to go outside to smoke.. being in doors in a smokey room is just as bad as smoking there are no windows or ventilation. she writes me like i been around kids all my life i may be first time mom but i know.. obviously not if your doing it dummy .. ugh

  17. I think the same thing I do when there not pregnant, it looks classless, unlady-like and trashy, and any mother that would jeopardize their unborn childs health are all of those things.  

  18. I think I have an opportunity to get laid, because "If she smokes, she fux".

  19. it makes me so sad, smoking is DISGUSTING and so unnecessary anyway, but to hurt a defenseless unborn child, that is so low and just terrible.

  20. I think it's sad that she doesn't want to quit for the health of her baby. It seems selfish. No matter how hard it is to quit, I'd do it for my child.  

  21. It makes me feel like breaking her fingers.

  22. I cringe every time..i quit about 2 hours after i got my positive.(i still regret it)

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