
What do you think when you see a woman with hairy legs?

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What do you think when you see a woman with hairy legs?




  1. Whenever I see that I think Holy Makarena! Oh oh, it's time to start wearing pants again or just break down and shave though on occasion I like to fool people and make them think I am still an attractive woman by wearing long billowy dresses. Especially when it's very windy out and I am in the mood for scaring people away.  So if you are ever in NY and happen to see a huge, hairy Big Foot monster in a white halter Marilyn Monroe dress standing atop one of them subway air vent grills and she be laughing like Renfield, well say hello to me.

    In the meantime I hope you're not gonna ask about hairy underarms next, cuz I'm not even gonna tell you the answer to that one. I'm just gonna stand there flapping my wings and doing the funky chicken dance.

  2. That 's a good question, umm well I would think that she might be a fan of Star Jones, or that she is taking a break for a while, being a woman can be hard work!!!;)

    ....but you know, all of these people might say they would accept it, but generally, if you would see a woman walking down the street with hairy legs, a person's initial reaction would probably be "disgusting, people these days".

  3. is that a guy or gurl

  4. What do I think?

    Honestly I don't think of anything. It's her body and her legs aren't rubbing on me so what do I care if they're hairy?

    Too much time is spent being concerned about someone's leg hair or lack of. If she's comfortable with it then it's none of my business.

    Just as a sidenote, some many like or don't care if a woman doesn't shave her legs.

    It's all a matter of preference.

  5. I don't think anything much

    It's up to her whether she shaves or not

  6. Must be a full moon approaching.

  7. I think of the European women.

  8. must be european

  9. I think that her telephone never rings.

  10. I generally don't check out a womans legs.

  11. I wonder which NOW chapter she belongs to.

  12. Nothing.

  13. I think that she didn't shave and go on about my day. It's none of my business.

  14. Wow, they need to shave!

  15. I don't think anything, its none of my business weather a women has hairy legs or not!

  16. She's strong because she does not care about conformity!

  17. So judgmental, it is ok for a man to have hairy legs and not a woman. Society judges a woman so much harder for what she looks like than what it does a man. I suggest you look past the hairy legs and start to look at who she is because the divorce rate is very high and choosing a woman on her hairy legs is not a good critera for your choice.

  18. I shave my legs just to look neat for myself, not to please the bypassers. I don't intend to do what pleases society.

    If strangers gets to see them hairy and don't like it, its their problem.

  19. I very rarely shave my legs. I swam in high school and became spoiled because we didn't shave all season.

  20. erm....ewwww!

  21. I think applying sunscreen must be a b*tch with legs like those.

  22. I think she was probably too busy having a life to worry about shaving them.

  23. I think I want to lose my lunch all over the sidewalk.

  24. Nothing. . . that's her preference.  Some women don't believe in shaving and some guys love hairy women.

  25. Manbearpig exist's.

  26. That she is comfortable in her own skin.

    I don't shave every day and don't care and I'm happily married :)

  27. I think , "Why does that woman have hairy legs?"

  28. Pretty gross, then second thought is, "Crazy granola eater"

  29. well I find it unattractive but I hear it's common in India

  30. hey its natural

  31. I think a woman is more than a pair of legs...

    Your body, do as you wish.

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