
What do you think when you see someone do this?

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People who trash their own city. I'm dumbstruck.

I see a man come out of a convenience store opening a pack of cigarettes. He simply lets the plastic wrap drop to the ground as he walks. He does the same with the foil part of the pack. There's a trash can right outside the door of the convenience store as well as trash cans by the gas pumps. He ignores them as though they weren't there.

Another man on another day comes out of a convenience store with a can of oil or something and a paper funnel. He pours the fluid in his car then tosses the oily paper funnel on the ground. A trash can sits about 4 feet away. I guess that was too far for him to walk.

I'm driving down the road and a cigarette butt is tossed out the window and hits my windshield where it disintegrates on impact.

I picture their home with the roaches in the overflowing trash, if they use the trash can at all. I picture beer can pyramids and dirty dishes everywhere. Little toddlers with soiled diapers and bare feet playing in the dirt without parental supervision. I know it may be a stereotypical response but that's what I picture when I see people tossing trash on the ground.

Does anyone else?




  1. some people dont have their priorities right

  2. I suppose when you see that, that's the first impression you get. But in reality those people are probably normal. However, they'd be the first ones to complain if anyone littered in their yard, yet they'll dump trash in public places.

    I think these people are just...well...lazy. I guess it IS too much work to walk to the trash can. I often wonder about these people as well. But, what can you expect. We do live on a planet that's mostly inhabited by apes!lol.

  3. hey thats pretty uncool but what are you going to do about it, y'know?

  4. I agre with you about the litter in you home town but really i don`t think a tiny cig. is gonna hurt your car!!

  5. yes i am right there with ya.  I get angry when some dumb as* leaves a baby's soiled diaper in parking lots.  I wonder how these idiots function.  You know they are lazy & probably live in filth.  I see litter bugs all of the time.  I think if caught doing it they should have to spend 24 hours in a landfill, where ever the city takes the trash.

  6. It pains me when I see this.  I think about animals chocking on the wrappers, or piles and piles of trash on the streets from people as far as the eye can see.  I just don't understand why people do this to our planet, I mean it is our home and people are just destroying it.  People are so lazy when it comes to throwing things in the garbage.  I see it everyday.  I use to see it all the time at my high school, they just didn't care.  You are not alone when it come to stereotyping when I see people do this, most of the time it is true.  

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