
What do you think will be (if any) the consequences of the large magnet in Geneva?

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it goes to full power in a month or two




  1. We'll Learn Much More About High Energy Physics.  We Might Even Learn New Truths That Will Overturn Accepted Dogmas We Hold As True Now.

    All Current Good Information Says The Energies That Will Be Explored Will Be Too Low To Produce Anything Of A Catastrophic Nature.

    It's Very Remote That We Can Create A Mini "Big Bang" At These Levels.  Even If That Were Possible, The Energies Needed To Sustain That Would Not Be Present.  It Would Vanish Quickly.  This Would Also Apply To Mini "Black Holes".

    This Link:

    Provides Some Good Information About What May Or May Not Happen And Is An Easy Read ;)


  2. I believe you're referring to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).  Hopefully, it will produce the elusive Higgs boson, the observation of which could confirm the predictions and "missing links" in the Standard Model of physics and could explain how other elementary particles acquire properties such as mass.

    I don't think there will be any significant negative consequences.  They are already planning a luminosity upgrade, called the Super LHC, to be made after ten years of operation, so the two thousand physicists from thirty four countries as well as the hundreds of universities and laboratories that have helped fund and build it must be fairly confident too.

  3. Hi whoever you are. I know the two above me gave excellent answers, but still I think my answer is better. Frrom the type of question you have asked it looks like you have quiet an interest in such subjects of science fiction, which is appreciable.

    Now coming to my answer, I must say I know quiet a deal about the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). To add your interest let me first mention about the possible negative consequences, including the formation of Black Hole and Strange matter. However the link below clearly proves both of these possibilities wrong. I hope that you too like me are satisfied that there shall be no negative consequences of the (LHC) once you go through the given article in this link:

    Now that we should talk about what else may happen as a consequence of this great invention, reports are already speaking out about the possibility of the LHC generating enough power to create particles that exist on other worlds. it may also produce "unparticles", a possible source for dark matter. Now, the energy may be so focused that even the fabric of space-time may be pulled apart to create a wormhole, not to a different place, but a different time. Also, if there are any time travellers out there, we are most likely to see them in a few weeks…


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