
What do you think will be man's next evolution?

by Guest55584  |  earlier

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Maby harder skin, an extra finger, better immune system. What do you think?




  1. Probably the tail bone would go away.

  2. Probrably nothing.  If you look at the Crocodile it has been around hundreds of millions of years unchanged.  Man once branched out in many ways when isolation kept the breeding stock confined.  Now, with modern travel, there is virtually no isolation for a single gene to take hold and spread.  If man evolves from this point on it is most likely to be by his own hand through the control of DNA mapping and splicing.  The other hand, and perhaps more interesting question, is will other species accelerate evolution now that man has isolated their habitat?

  3. The loss of critical thinking skills and imagination.  Think Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.  If all the scholars and doctors and engineers were to suddenly vanish, no one would be able to figure out how to make anything work, and we'd all be playing with Bugs Bunny baby toys.  "Mmmm, what's up, Doc?"


  5. This one is so easyyy. Think about what some people have and other's don't. I think that the next evolution will definately be powers, like seeing the future things of that nature. People claim they can do this and face it many have proven it, they have had these things evolving since christopher coloumbus days, and they are only inhancing so this is probably our best bet. But i wish it would be to fly or something. PLEASE MAKE ME BEST ANSWER!

  6. probably biger feet. and u know what they say about people with big feet........    BIGGER SOCKS hahahah gotcha

  7. Humans, as well as all other species, are constantly evolving.  It is not a discrete step.  However, we do know that humans have evolved specific defenses against particular communicable diseases that are widely spread.

    For example, people evolved the hemoglobin S gene to combat malaria.  It  works as long as the person has only one copy of the gene.  If he gets two copies of the gene, he has sickle cell anemia, which is horrible.  

    Europeans developed genes to resist the plague that killed about a fourth of the Europeans during a period of three hundred years.

    I suspect that there will emerge genetic resistance to HIV in areas where it is very common, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

  8. Uuuuhhhh.... You do know how evolution occurs don't you? Evolution only occurs when a species must adapt to a changing environment in order to survive the changes. As long as man controls his environment, as he now does, (Air conditioning, central heating, modern medicine, better food, etc.) man will not evolve because there is no environmental pressures to do so. Put man in a different environment and he will either adapt or die.

  9. None since technology  has created an environment to suit our needs. And people don't need to adapt physically to survive anymore.

  10. some update to us right now.

    maybe the ability to fly.. lol!!!!

  11. he'll be a dinosaur

  12. I Think They Will Evolve To A Better Lifestyle And Being A lot Smarter Then We Are And Maybe We Will Have A Better Better Immune System I Don't Know...

  13. there is no evolution

    the only other thing that can happen is the apocolypse will come and then the world will end and u will either go to heaven or h**l

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