
What do you think will be the cost per gallon of gas 5 years from now?

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What do you think will be the cost per gallon of gas 5 years from now?




  1. well i heard that by the end of this year it will be up to $7 per gallon. this is sad! i'm going to have to start riding my horse to school.

  2. Well over $10. If the dollar continues to decline, a lot more.

  3. I personally think that some kind of alternative gas will come into play (hopefully) or a different type of car.  Something has got to give here!

    Then the price of gas won't matter. =).

  4. I don't think fuel prices will go much higher than $6-7/gallon in the United States in the next few years. The reason being that we might actually hit the tipping point at which gas becomes so expensive that people stop driving (or drive much less) and demand for gasoline falls, thereby stabilizing the price. Here in the D.C. area, we've already seen a spike in ridership on Metro (what we call our subway) in the last few weeks that cannot be explained by anything other than people not driving their cars...

  5. You don't have to worry about gas prices in the future any more. You can convert your current car easily and almost double your gas mileage.

  6. $8.00 or $10.00 dollars. Is'nt that just great?

  7. I would guess that $5/gallon will be considered normal in about 5 years.  I don't think gas prices are going to sky rocket to $8 or 9/gallon any time in the near future.

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