
What do you think will be the most transformational Telco products and services within the next 4 years?

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What do you think will be the most transformational Telco products and services within the next 4 years?




  1. I think it will be a more affordable VoIP, internet and tv bundled package.

    I have a way to get on the internet on every device in my home except the home phone itself becuase it's Vonage.

    But, I have seen actual phones that have the technology to pull out a thin flexable touch screen and have internet access at your end table on the sofa or your bed side table.  

    Is that too much internet?  Not if your playing the stock market or running a business from home so that you have more time with the family.

    What ever the application or reason for so much internet access,

    it is nice having it right there when I need it.  It has limited my hours that I spend at the desk in front of the computer.

  2. John,

    You may be too young to remember the Jetsons, but, they had a phone where they could ACTUALLY SEE the person they were speaking too.

    Well, we have that technology in our home. WE LOVE IT. It keeps family and friends very close by. Not only can you have a 3 way conference call and see 3 people at one time, but their is video messaging and other cool techie properties.

    Take a look because the future is here.

    LM  click on products

    FREE Iris 3000 Video Phone

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