
What do you think will happen if America withdraws from the war?

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......what about the guys we're fighting? Do you think Soldiers are gonna be like Hey were leavin now buddy it was nice killing your friends and you killing ours..But we had fun right? See ya guys later!




  1. There are so many of them America is involved - which one are you referring to?  Also, there are plans to get involved in more!

  2. They have to leave sometime.

    If conservatives had their way the Vietnam war would still be going on.

  3. The military - industrial - complex will suffer and Americans and Iraqi citizens will be much better off.

  4. The world wont hate America so much.

  5. if we pull out, we will have went in the first place for nothing, we would be admitting defeat and the USA will never admit defeat, therefor, we will not pull out, and with this war spreading around now with Russia, new intellagence on Pakistan, the stage is being set, the chess pieces are in position, now when "operation brimstone" sets sail to go after Iran and Pakistan, and the Russians the Chinese and the USA meet up in the water, it will be the worst stand off ever.  please leave the nukes at home, thats all i'm saying  and don't forget Iran's threat, if anyone invades Iran it will be painful, maybe they have a new WMD like a biological,

    what i know is the USA does not back down, and it looks to me like Russia and Iran and a few others dont care anymore and they are not backing down either.   world war 3 is not a joke, and all around the world will be hit with a new harsh reality.    

  6. there will be more money to put towards education, cops, and the economy will improve

  7. we will b overjoy ,because the gas wars would be over too. Gasoline would drop down to prewar day,how mch were they then two dollars a gallon????

  8. the taliban will take over.

  9. It would be a good idea.

    It wasn't a war it is an invasion. I'm sorry I do care about everyone who has died & is suffering.

    Our know our world is a mess, but has anything improved since Iraq?

    My son-in-law is going there soon & my son, later. I cannot understand fighting & I grieve for all who have lost so much since this all began.

  10. The region will become more and more unstable.

    More countries will become destabilized by incessant warfare on their borders. Lawlessness will spread.

    Eventually someone will detonate a radioactive weapon...because they can, and World War III will break out as a result.

    US will be forced to return to the war, only at a much greater cost in terms of men and materials than is now the case.

    The outcome of a major world war is uncertain. The US will very likely lose much of its influence around the globe. Western standards of justice, peace, democratic governance, will all be eroded.  

  11. The economy will have a chance to recover. Fewer people will die.

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