
What do you think will happen if organizations like Greenpeace didn't exist?

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Also tell my why you care about the environment.




  1. If it didn't exist then there will be no green & no peace.

  2. Groups like Greenpeace do nothing. I don't care about the environment at all, I think it should be destroyed.

  3. I think it wouldnt be any different. Global warming has been happening for 300 years, and we havent had cars and hair gel for 300 years! But Green Peace can tell people about global warming, but they cant make people stop using cars, hiair spray, hair gel, etc. Get my piont?

  4. Life would go on but maybe not as good as it is now. They do a good job.

  5. Nothing would change.  As already stated, the sun will come up in the morning.  I care about the environment because I live in it.  The same goes for my house.  I don't c**p in the kitchen.  I don't throw my trash on the floor and leave it there.  Why?  Because I live there, the same way I live in the ecosystem called earth.

  6. Life will go on!!!

  7. If people and organization that protect the enviro didn't do this, climate change would hasten.

  8. They are an absolute pain in the backside at times. Thank God they are there, the world needs pains in the backside for one reason only. They are often quite right

  9. The sun would come up.  Birds would sing.  Girls would chase boys.  Boys would chase girls.  Dogs would bark.  Old people would complain about prices.  

    I could go on and on.

  10. Organisations such as Green Peace are waging a noble,courageous and valiant struggle to awaken the conscience of the people the world all over to oppose and protest against the polluting and degrading activities of governments and profit-propelled industries who have no respect or regard for the health or future of Mankind. Organisations such as Green Peace are our only hope in an otherwise overwhelmingly dark times.

    Nature is reeling under the wanton and needless destruction of the unsatiably greedy exploiters. It is the common man who has to listen and heed to the clear and specific warnings of organisations like Green Peace, join them in their various crusades, help and assist them in whatever ways we can  and ensure that the politicians who ignore environmental concerns are unceremoniously removed from power and position...

    Together, we can change the situation for the better... If only we unite with them to save planet Earth - our  ONLY HOME ...

  11. Nothing. Because they accomplish.....nothing.

  12. countries would CONTINUE TO send co2 gases into the atmosphere bt not in the midst of protests staged by such organiastions

  13. it's not possible to not exist any of these organizations which concern the earth, because if they don't exist that means good people don't exist.. because being good is not just to think in a good way you have to act too, to make that obvious. so i don;t see life without someone to fight to be alive.. i don't see love without some to want to love and do that.. everything happens for a reason. and if the reason exist means that someone fought  just to make it obvious and others might see there is a way...

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