
What do you think will happen if we completely run out of oil?

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Do you think gas prices are the only thing people are going to be complaining about?




  1. We wont for an extremely long time.

    In some cities (just one city) there is enough oil to last a whole country for another 10 years. and thats is only in one city. the reason gas prices are so high is because the other countries we get it from are charging way more than necessary...but running out is not an issue right now. try riding a bike or taking a bus more often :)

  2. It won't happen for a long time.  You and I will be long gone so hopefully by then they will have perfected technology to where people aren't dependent on oil for many things.

  3. WE will rust away.

  4. By the time that we completely run out of oil, people will have found a way to use alternative energy sources to operate vehicles, lawnmowers, generators, etc.

    But, I think the requirements for recycled plastics would skyrocket, since new plastics require such a large amount of petroleum to be produced.

    Also, no more tarmac roadways, since the tarmac requires a petroleum base. There would be more concrete roads.

  5. We will be in a world of Sh*t!

  6. It wont happen for a while, people are so worried about our oil that they have forgotten thta we have something like 75% of the worlds oil deposts left. If it does finish we'll probably use e85 ethanol since it is mad out of grains and corn it should be fine. but then the prices rice and bread will go up like it is now. What a world eh?

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